News and Articles


Update on County Oil and Gas Regulation/Growth Management Planning

 Santa Fe County Planning staff and Planning Works (the consultants hired by SFC to assist in growth management planning and oil & gas regulation) are currently drafting sections of the proposed Galisteo Basin Area Plan as well as other sections.  A draft should be available to the public by the end of September after County staff has reviewed the entire document and made suggestions for edits/changes.

Mapping is being coordinated between County/Planning Works staff and will be included in the draft plan.  The Tier structure that was discussed by County staff and Robert Freilich at the August 12th Board of County Commissioners meeting will be incorporated in the Area Plan.  The presentation by County staff on Growth Management and by Robert Freilich at that meeting is available on the website at

The next workshop/public meeting dates have not been set as focus has shifted to drafting the Area Plans and oil & gas ordinance.  The next public meetings should occur at the end of September or early October.

Members of the community interested in being a part of this process can do so by signing up at www.santafecountynm.govand at