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Viva la Fiesta! Viva la $1 Cab Ride Home All Weekend!

Que Viva $1 Cab Rides! The Santa Fe County DWI Program will subsidize the Cab Ride Home Program this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 5:30 p.m. – 2:30 a.m. allowing revelers to get home for only $1. The $1 is offered for adults to get home from bars or parties where alcohol is served - to take a Cab Ride Home call 438-0000.

Alcohol involved vehicle crashes have taken five lives so far this year in Santa Fe County. “Don’t’ be sorry. Don’t drink and drive. Take the Cab Ride Home instead. Make sure your Fiestas are happy memories, not a life time of regret,” said Lupe Sanchez, DWI Program Coordinator.

The normal rate for the subsidized ride home is $5 per cab for 1-2 riders and $10 per cab for 3 or more and runs from 5:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday nights. The DWI Program offsets the first $25 of these cab rides home. Patrons are responsible for the portion of the fare over $25.

Law enforcement agencies in Santa Fe County will have extra officers out patrolling for drunk drivers this weekend. Don’t be sorry. Don’t Drink and Drive.