News and Articles


Wanted: Pojoaque Residents to Serve on County Development Review Committee

The Santa Fe County Growth Management Department (Planning and Development Division) is currently seeking interested members of the community who live, own a business, or own property in the Pojoaque Valley Traditional Community District boundary to serve on the County’s Pojoaque Valley Development Review Committee.

Committee Members are responsible for attending monthly public hearings where they hear County staff recommendations, project application presentations and testimony from the public. Members make land development and planning related decisions and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners based on the requirements set forth in the Pojoaque Valley Traditional Community District Ordinance, and the overall County Land Use Development Code. Projects heard by these committees range from master plans for large subdivisions, family transfers, to other planning related projects and issues specific to the Pojoaque Valley.

Interested individuals should submit a letter of interest and résumé to Jack Kolkmeyer, Planning and Development Division Director, at P.O. Box 276, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-0276 on or before Friday, July 11th, 2008.