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Water and Energy Expo and Summit, April 24–27

 Water and Energy Expo and Summit, April 24–27

The City of Santa Fe Water Conservation Office hosts its first annual Santa Fe Water and Energy Expo and Summit April 24–27. Public and professional events over these four days will provide opportunities for education and dialogue within our community regarding water and energy issues and make available information and tools for resource conservation.

Santa Fe Water and Energy Pre-Conference Expo and Workshops, April 24–25
The Water and Energy Expo is a free public program featuring more than 20 different presentations on conservation and sustainability, as well as exhibits from more than 40 local businesses and non-profit organizations. Rainwater harvesting expert Brad Lancaster will give a free public lecture titled Planting Water: What You Can Do Today! on April 25, 1 p.m. at the Hilton.

The schedule of public workshops is available at:

Santa Fe Water and Energy Summit, April 26–27
The Summit is a professional conference bringing together organizations, individuals and agencies to explore and examine the link between water and energy from a local, state and national perspective. Presentations will cover water and energy conservation, rainwater harvesting, irrigation efficiency, rebate programs and the latest in green building codes.

Presenters Include:
• Dr. Thomas Bowles, Science Advisor to NM Governor Bill Richardson
• Dr. John Fogarty, New Energy Economy
• Bill Hoffman, noted commercial water conservation expert
• Randy Kauk, co-founder and president of RainHarvest Systems, the largest retailer of rainwater catchment products in the US
• Brad Lancaster, noted author and speaker on rainwater harvesting
• Susie Marbury, NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Dept.
• Kim Shanahan, Santa Fe Area Homebuilders Association
• Valerie Strassberg, Water–Energy Project Director, Nature’s Voice Our Choice

The Summit will examine both passive and technological solutions to improving water and energy efficiencies; current and upcoming conservation incentive programs, both local and national; and the technological and policy challenges in the industry today.

A conference program and schedule is available at:

Background: The 2010 Santa Fe Water and Energy Expo and Summit are an expansion of the city’s Water Fairs in 2007 and 2008. The steering committee, chaired by Daniel Ransom, City of Santa Fe Water Conservation Manager, selected water and energy as the theme due to its particular relevance to local water resource concerns, as well as to the more national and global concerns of increased energy prices, global warming and subsequent climate change.

Water and energy issues are indivisible. Water is essential to energy supply and is required for hydroelectricity, cooling of thermal power plants and the processing of petroleum and primary energy sources. Large qualities of water may also be required by new emerging energy technologies, such as the conversion of biomass to liquid and gaseous fuels, tapping the large reserves of petroleum in tar sands and oil shales, and as a source of hydrogen via electrolysis for a hydrogen economy.

Likewise, energy is required to extract and transport water to where it is used, as well as to treat wastewater. Approximately 4 percent of the nation’s electricity consumption is to move or treat water and wastewater. Considerable amounts of energy also go to heat water for bathing, shaving, cooking, and cleaning our homes, dishes and clothes. In homes with electric water heaters, one-quarter of the households’ electricity is used to heat water.

The Water and Energy Expo and Summit will explore this intricate relationship further and offer innovative solutions and incentives for conservation for individuals, businesses and communities at large.

• International Water Association Water and Energy Declaration, December 2009.

What: Santa Fe Water and Energy Expo
When: April 24–25, 10 a.m.–4 p.m.
Where: Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza, 100 Sandoval St., and the county parking lot on Sandoval (where the road curves to the east, near the intersection of Sandoval and West Palace Avenue).

What: Free lecture and book-signing by Brad Lancaster
Planting Water: What You Can Do Today!
When: Sunday, April 25, 1 p.m.
Where: Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza, 100 Sandoval St., Ortiz Room

What: Santa Fe Water and Energy Summit
When: April 26–27
Where: Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza
Address: 100 Sandoval St., Santa Fe, New Mexico