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Where’s Baby?  Look before you lock.


Santa Fe County would like to remind everyone that the summer is heating up and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) heatstroke prevention and awareness efforts are in full swing. This marks the fourth summer that NHTSA has spread awareness about the dangers of child heatstroke in hot cars, while urging parents and caregivers to think, "Where’s Baby? Look Before You Lock." 

Already, nine children this year and more than 30 children in 2014 lost their lives from heatstroke after adults left them in unattended vehicles. Heatstroke tragedies are 100-percent preventable, which is why we are looking for every opportunity to educate consumers on the importance of making sure that children are neither unintentionally locked in, nor able to gain access to (and become trapped in) unattended vehicles. 

We are asking our highway traffic safety partners to ramp up activities this summer to augment the national effort. The 2015 campaign “Act Fast. Save a Life.” includes resources and tips on what bystanders should do if they see a young child locked in a parked car. 

NHTSA is also asking its safety partners to help raise awareness about the dangers of kids and cars on July 31, National Heatstroke Prevention Day. Every hour on the hour starting at 7 a.m. EST @NHTSAgov will be using the hashtags #heatstrokekills and #checkforbaby on all its social media posts. Please join in the concerted day-long social media conversation. 

For more information on the 2015 Heatstroke Prevention Campaign, please click here


For more information, please contact Peter Olson, DWI Prevention Specialist, at (505) 992-9844 or