Public Nuisance Hearing Officer
Meeting ID: 280 736 140 198
Phone: 1-773-352-2011
Phone Conference ID: 120 636 804#
Passcode 5yr26HJ2
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Thank you for your interest in Public Nuisance Hearing Officer Meetings. The PNHO strives to make its meetings accessible to the public through alternatives to in-person attendance, such as virtual meeting platforms and webcasting. Those alternatives, however, are not guaranteed, due to internet and other service disruptions and equipment failures, and duly noticed meetings may be held notwithstanding that those alternatives are unexpectedly unavailable. Accordingly, members of the public assume the risk that they may be unable to watch and listen and/or participate in BCC meetings through such alternatives.
To view PNHO meetings with an option to provide public comment, join virtually or by phone (link above).
To review the PNHO meeting agenda, please visit the following County website:, or stop by the interactive touch screen in the lobby of the County Administration Complex, located at 240 Grant Catron St., Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Santa Fe County makes every practical effort to assure that auxiliary aids or services are available for meetings and programs. Individuals who would like to request auxiliary aids or services should contact the Santa Fe County Manager’s Office at (505) 986-6200 in advance to discuss specific needs (e.g., interpreters for the hearing impaired or readers for the sight impaired).