Mission: The Santa Fe County Public Safety Department is committed to providing expedient, courteous and quality service in partnerships with the community to create a safe environment for all the citizens of Santa Fe County. We are committed to serving with integrity, cooperation and concern for the welfare of others. Our standard is excellence and our model of success is teamwork.
Did YouKnow
You could avoid late fees?
The Office of the Santa Fe County Assessor mails over 86,000 Notices of Value each year, and receives approximately 6,000 of those as returned mail due to incorrect addressing. We strongly urge you to verify your contact information with our office. Verifying this may assist you in avoiding any late fees you may incur from the Treasurer's Office Tax Bill mail out.

You can prevent property valuation increases if you are 65+ or disabled?
By applying and qualifying for this benefit (65 years or older or 100% disabled, making a total income of less than $32,000 annually) you can prevent your property valuation from increasing each year on your place of residence. Preventing your valuation from increasing will assist you in minimizing your future property tax increases.

Veteran’s get exemptions?
The Veteran’s Exemption is a $4,000 reduction in your taxable value. The Disabled Veteran’s Exemption is a 100% exemption from property tax on the Veteran's primary residence up to 5 acres of land. Both may be claimed by any honorably discharged Veteran or the unmarried surviving spouse of the Veteran.

GetIn Touch
Office Hours: 8-5 M-F
Online chat available: 9-4 M-F
We Value Your Feedback
We want to ensure you always have a truly exceptional experience with us. If you do not feel you have had a truly exceptional experience or would like to share any comments regarding your visit, please contact us at
(505) 986-6300