Pueblo Roadway - Right of Way Sheets
Implementation of Road Settlement Agreements -10-1-20 Presentation
Interim Permits from Pueblo de San Ildefonso
- Blanket Private Landowner Access Authorization for All Identified Roads
- Individual Private Landowner Temporary Access Permit
- Maintenance Permit to Santa Fe County for CMRs 84, 84A, 84B, and 101D
- Public Road Permit to Santa Fe County for CMR 84C, CMR 84D, and Sandy Way
- Pueblo de San Ildefonso Interim Road Access Authorization Act of 2018
Right-of-Way Settlement Agreements
- Pueblo of San Ildefonso Settlement Agreement
- Pueblo of Tesuque Settlement Agreement
- Pueblo of Nambe Settlement Agreement
- Pueblo of Pojoaque Settlement Agreement
Approved Resolution
- Resolution 2018 - 13, A Resolution Approving the Road Settlement
Agreements with the Pueblo de San I1defonso and the Pueblos of Tesuque,
Nambe and Pojoaque.