The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the discharge of stormwater pollution as part of the Clean Water Act. Under these regulations, Santa Fe County is required to obtain permits to allow discharges to the Santa Fe River. There are several discharges that are NOT allowable under this permit, one of which is referred to as an illicit discharge.


What is an illicit discharge? 

An illicit discharge is the discharge of pollutants or non-stormwater materials into the storm sewer system via overland flow, direct dumping, or illicit connections. Illicit connections are pipes or other direct connections that illegally or unknowingly release pollutants or non-stormwater materials into a storm sewer system.

In Santa Fe County the storm sewer system collects stormwater runoff and carries it, untreated, to the Santa Fe River. The result is untreated discharges that contribute high levels of pollutants (including heavy metals, toxic chemicals, oil and grease, solvents, nutrients, viruses, and bacteria) are carried to a receiving water body, in this case the Santa Fe River.

In urban areas, the storm drainage system consists of drains, arroyos, and underground pipes. Storm drains are generally located in streets and parking lots. In rural areas the storm drainage system may be in the form of ditches that carry the stormwater along a roadside or piece of property. These drainage systems are meant to carry only stormwater. Putting oil, antifreeze, detergents, or anything else that is not stormwater into the storm drain system is the same as dumping it directly into the river.


Please call 505-986-6219  or send an email to  to report an illicit discharge.