RECC Board of Directors Meeting

Join by Phone or Virtually Below

Meeting ID: 214 066 598 661

Passcode: wq72CB6d

Phone: 1-773-352-2011

Phone Conference ID: 863 674 316#

Join Now Virtually

The Santa Fe Regional Emergency Communications Center Board of Directors will hold regularly scheduled meetings in the Conference Room of the Santa Fe Regional Emergency Communications Center, located at 23 Camino Justicia. Members of the public can participate virtually using the link above.

RECC strives to make its meetings accessible to the public through virtual meeting platforms. Those alternatives, however, are not guaranteed, due to internet and other service disruptions and equipment failures, and duly noticed meetings may be held notwithstanding that those alternatives are unexpectedly unavailable. Accordingly, members of the public assume the risk that they may be unable to watch and listen and/or participate in RECC meetings through such alternatives.