2024002578-Unattended death
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Assigned-Deputy O. Przyojski
Entering-Cpl. G. Nieto
Haozous Rd
Deceased-34yo Female (Santa Fe, NM)
Deputies reposnded to a welfare check. When deputies arrived on scene individual as found unresponsive. OMI arrived at the scene and conducted an investigation. No foul play was observed.
2024002574-Residential Burglary/Larceny
Assigned-Cpl. G. Nieto
Entering. Cpl. G. Nieto
Leaping Powder Rd
Suspect(s)- Unknown
Reporting party stated unknown suspect(s) entering his unlocked residence and took misc. Jewelry and four Acoustic guitars. Case is under investigation.
Case 2024002175 -Aggravated Battery with Deadly Weapon
Assigned Deputy D. Moore
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
Camino Vista Aurora
Suspect- Unknown
Deputies responded to a residence where an unknown subject showed up demanding o collect money that was owed. During a vebal altercation, the victim sustained a laceration to a finger on his hand. Suspect left the area in a white pick-up truck prior to law enforcement arriving. Case in pending and currently under investigation.
Case 2024002104-DWI(Felony), Reckless driving. Driving while license Revoked
Assigned- Deputy Xavier Boling
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
US 84-285-MM 168
Arrested- Mark Cummings 70yom (Santa Fe, NM)
Deputies responded to a wrong way driver. Vehicle was located and the vehcile was stopped. Driver agreed to SFST's and displayed signs of impairment. Driver had more than 5 prior DWI's and agreed to chemical testing. Results were 0.17-0.16. Driver was arrrestef and booked into Santa Fe ADC with out incident.
Case 2024002056-DWI/reckless Driving/no insurance
Assigned- Deputy D. Moore
Entering- Cpl. G. Nieto
Siler Rd/Agua Fria Rd.
Arrested-Miguel Tiscareno 21yom (Santa Fe, NM)
Traffic stop was conducted on vehicle for driving in e reckless manner. Driver agreed to SFST's and showed signs of imairment. Driver was arrested and booked into SF ADC with out incident.
2025000586/ Warrant Service/ 1-30-2025
Deputy Assigned: Donna Chavez
Commander Assigned: Cpl. Shannon A . Coles
Location: 225 Montezuma Ave, First Judicial DIstrict Court (Santa Fe)
Subject: Victoria Duarte, 33 YOF.
Narrartive: Subject arrived at District Court for scheduled meeting. Subject was found to have an active warrant and was placed under arrest. Subject was transported to the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center (ADC), where she was served with her warrant and booked without incident.
Case 2025000582/DUI, failure to give notice of an accident, stopping/parking in prohibited places/ 1-29-25
Assigned: Deputy M. Ward
Entering: Cpl. Talamante
Location: I-25/MP 299, Glorieta, NM
Arrested Renee Salazar 40YOF
Deputies were dispatched to the location regarding a reckless driver and motor vehicle crash. Deputies located the vehicle stalled in the right lane of I-25, which had extensive damage from being involved in a collision. The vehicle appeared to have crashed at another unknown location and the driver did not provide information about where she crashed. The driver showed signs of impairment and was charged.
Case#2025000579/Battery on a Household Member/1-29-25
Assigned: V Baca
Entering: Sgt. C Valencia
Location: Churchill Road, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Donovan Robertson, 23YOM, Santa Fe, NM
Deputies were dispatched to the location in reference to a domestic disturbance. Upon arrival, deputies learned the above subject battered a household member. The subject was placed under arrest, transported, and booked accordingly without incident.
Case #2025000570 / Driving while license revoked/ Warrant Arrest/ 1/29/25
Assigned- Deputy D. Rodriguez
Entering- Corporal D. Moore
Arrested- Bobby Trujillo Jr. (34 year old male/ Santa Fe)
Arrested- Cassandra Chavez (30 year old female/ Santa Fe)
Location- Cerrillos / Wellness Way
A traffic stop was conducted on a vehicle for a driving infraction. The driver, Bobby Trujillo Jr. was found to be driving on a revoked driver's license and also had three outstanding warrants. The female passenger, Cassandra Chavez, was also found to have an outstanding warrant. Both were arrested and later booked at ADC.
Case 2025000561/Warrant service/1-29-2025
Assigned: Deputy R. Blea
Entering: Cpl. Talamante
Location: 3000-BLK Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Joshua Topp 24 YOM
Deputies made contact with the subject during a welfare check. The subject had an active arrest warrant out of Santa Municipal Court for failure to appear on shoplifting x2 charges. The subject was arrested and booked into Santa Fe ADC.