Case #2023003919 Unattended Death
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Assigned Deputy T. Tixier
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
El Dorado (Santa Fe County)
Deceased 90 YOM
Deputies were dispatched to location regarding an individual who was unconscious and not breathing. Deputies arrived and observed the above male not displaying any signs of life. OMI responded. Foul play is not suspected.
Case #2023003913 Unlawful taking of a motor vehicle
Deputy Assigned: C. Podolak
Commander Entering: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location: 9 Sun Up Trail, Edgewood
Deputies were contacted by the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) in regards to a vehicle they had recovered in Albuquerque. BCSO advised deputies the vehicle was taken in Santa Fe County. The victim located his vehicle and flagged down a BCSO deputy. The vehicle was entered and removed from NCIC. No suspect information at this time.
Case 2023003902 Warrant Arrest
Assigned Deputy Patrick Hein
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
Rufina St.
Arrested Gerald Russ 45 YOM (Santa Fe, NM)
Contact was made with a suspicious male in a parking lot. He was found to have an active Warrant for his arrest. Subject was placed under arrest and booked into SFADC with out incident.
case 2023003874/ AGG DUI/ Driving while license revoked -6/27/23
Deputy Assigned: M. Olivas
Commander Entering: Cpl S. Talamante
Location:US 84-285/ NM 106
Arrested: Daniel Velasquez 28YOM
On the above date, I conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for no license plate lights. I learned that the driver of the vehicle was invalid/revoked pursuant to 122G clause. I observed signs of impairment and after SFST's, placed the male under arrest. The male provided two valid breath samples indicating a BrAC of .17g/210L. The male was booked into ADC without further issue.
case 2023003871/ aggravated DUI
Deputy Assigned: Sgt. R. Garcia
Commander Entering: Cpl. S.Talamante
Location: 2323 Casa Rufina
Arrested: John Quintana 55YOM
On the above date, I conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for no license plate lights. I learned that the driver of the vehicle was invalid/revoked pursuant to 122G clause. I observed signs of impairment and after SFST's, placed the male under arrest. The male provided two valid breath samples indicating a BrAC of .17g/210L. The male was booked into ADC without further issue.
2023003867 / Fraud / 06-27-2023
Deputy Assigned: F. Concha
Commander Entering: Cpl. J. War
Location: Serrania, Edgwood, NM
On Tuesday, June 27, 2023, Deputy made contact with victim who reported he took out a loan for $23,500 to purchase a boat. The check was sent to the seller in Florida. The expected delivery date for the boat has since passed. Seller has since stopped communication with the buyer. Buyer is now reponsible for the debt incurred. Victim realized it was a scam and contacted the Sheriff's Office.
2023003863/Death Investigation/06-27-2023
Deputy Assigned: P. Caroland
Commander Entering: Sgt. O. McCartney
Location: Verada Mesita, Santa Fe, NM
Victim: 73 YOF
On Tuesday, June 27, 2023, deputies were dispatched to a welfare check in the above area. The caller hadn't heard from the victim in a week. Upon arrival, it was discovered that the victim displayed no signs of life. OMI was summoned to the scene. Based on the investigation, there were no signs of foul play noted.
Case # 2023003848 / Identity Theft / 06-26-2023
Deputy assigned: Cpl. J. War
Commander entering: Cpl. J.War
Location: Ellis Ranch Rd, Santa Fe, NM
Deputy made contact with victim who discovered someone used his identity to obtain services with AT&T. Suspect(s) illegaly obtained victim's social security number, opened an account with AT&T, incurred a bill and never paid. The debt was later reported to victim's credit report.
case 2023003853/ Burglary 6/27/2023
Deputy M. Rodriguez
Commander Entering: Cpl S. Talamante
Location: 56 Shadow Lane
Suspect: unknown
On 06/27/2023 deputies responded to a delayed report of a burglary.
Upon arrival, deputies made contact with the victim who stated she was the caretaker of her late father's estate. The victim explained her father passed away the day prior and she came to his house to begin clean up. She stated when she arrived, she noticed a bedroom window had been broken into and the back yard shed had the lock cut. The victim told deputies the house was a mess prior to her father's passing so she was not sure if anything was missing. However, the house appeared to have all the valuable appliances and electronics still inside. The victim suspected someone in the family circle may have tried to steal items after they found out of her father's passing.
The victim requested close patrols of the residence and a report was generated.
case 2023003749/ Larceny 6/27/2023
Deputy M. Rodriguez
Commander Entering: Cpl S. Talamante
Location: 67 La Puebla
Suspect: unknown
On 06/26/2023 deputies responded to the above address in reference to a report of a larceny.
Upon arrival, deputies made contact with the victim who stated on this date he went to his driveway and got into his 2018 Dodge Ram truck as he was getting ready to leave the house to run errands. After he turned the truck on, he noticed the vehicle was making an unusually loud noise. He exited the vehicle and checked underneath the undercarriage where he discovered his catalytic converter had been stolen. The victim then contacted law enforcement to file a report.
During the interview, the victim stated he did not have any suspect information. Deputies took a report.