Case # 20233836 / Aggravated DWI / 06-26-2023
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Deputy Assigned: M. Olivas
Commander Entering: Cpl. S. Talamante
Location: Avenida De Sesario/ Caja Del Oro Grant Rd, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Giovanno, Frank 24 YOM
On Monday. June 26, 2023, Deputies were patrolling the above area when they observed a male passed out in his vehicle. When contact was made, Deputies noted signs of possible impairment. Subject then woke up and fled but stopped a short distance later. Subject refused SFST's and was placed under arrest. Subject refused chemical testing and was transported, charged and booked into Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility without incident.
Case#2023003828/DUI arrest /6-25-23
Assigned: Deputy J. Watson
Entering: Cpl. S. Talamante
Location: Interstate 25 NB 271, Santa Fe County, NM
Arrested: Jordan Morales
On the above date and time, Deputies responded to multiple calls stating there was a silver truck parked with lights on. Reports stated the vehicle was partially blocking traffic in the right lane of travel on I-25 NB. Deputies located the vehicle and the driver was suspected to be under the influence. SFST's were conducted and the suspect performed poorly. Suspect arrested and booked into Santa Fe Detention Center accordingly.
Deputy Assigned: D Martinez
Commander Entering: Cpl. C Valencia
Location: Cagua Rd, Santa Fe County, NM
Suspect: "Victor Hemsworth"
Deputies were dispatched in reference to a fraud. During the investigation it was learned the victim recieved a message on her computer, which told her to contact a certain telephone number to fix the computer. The victim contacted the above subject and was advised to purchase serveral gift cards (Value $4,500) and give the suspects the gift card numbers. Victim realized it was a scam and contacted the Sheriff's Office.
Case#2023003821/Warrant Service/6-24-23
Deputy Assigned: D Martinez
Commadnder Entering: Cpl. C Valencia
Location: Cerrillos Road/I25 W Frontage Road, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Gilbert Garcia, 44YOM, Albuquerque, NM
A traffic stop was conducted at the above location. During the stop it was learned the driver/above subject had a warrant. Subject was arrested, transported and booked accordingly. Original charge: Driving while licesne suspended.
Case #2023003816 Burglary, Larceny, Criminal damage to property
Deputy Assigned: C. Podolak
Commander Entering: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location: Henry Lynch Road, Santa Fe
Deputies responded to the location in reference to a burglary. Deputies were advised unknown suspect(s) forced entered the facility and took items from within. Unknown suspect information at this time.
Case 20233815 Agg DWI/Roadways Laned for Traffic
Assigned Deputy R. Blea
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
US 84-285/ MM 176
Arrested Thomas Kerpon 61 YOM (Santa Fe, NM)
Deputies responded to a motor vehicle crash. Driver submitted to SFST's and showed signs of impairment. Subject was arrested and agreed to chemical testing. Subject was booked into ADC with out incident.
Case #2023003800 Burglary, Larceny
Deputy Assigned: C. Podolak
Commander Entering: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location: 1400 Blk. Bishops Lodge Rd, Santa Fe
Deputies were dispatched to the area in reference to a burglary. The Deputies were advised unknown suspect(s) unlawfully entered the residence and took several items from within. No suspect information at this time.
Case#‘s 2023003794 and 2023003795/ Warrant Service and Possession of a Controlled Substance/ 6-23-23
Deputy Assigned: J. Apodaca
Commander Entering: Cpl. C Valencia
Location: NM 14 and Fire Place, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Angelica Munoz, 29YOF, Bernalillo, NM
Deputies were conducting a close patrol when they observed a suspicious female coming from a newly developed subdivision. Deputies contacted the above subject and discovered she had an active warrant for her arrest. While searching her purse after being arrested, Deputies located four pills believed to be Fytenol. The subject was transported and booked into jail without incident—warrant: Possession of a controlled substance.
Case 2023003792 Aggravated DWI/Carless Driving/Open container
Assigned Deputy J. Watson
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
I-25/ NM16
Arrested Craig Herrera 31 YOM (Cochiti, NM)
Deputies responded to a motor vehicle accident. SFST's were administered and signs of impairment were observed. Subject was arrested and agreed to chemical testing. Results were 0.20g/210L-0.20g/210L. Subject was booked into SFADC with out incident.
Case 2023003789 Agg DWI/ Driver must be licensed
Assigned Cpl. G. Nieto
Entering G. Nieto
NM599/I25 W. Frontage Rd
Arrested Filomeno Vargas Mendoza 22 YOM (Santa Fe, NM)
Deputies responded to a vehicle fire and a DWI investigation was conducted. Driver submitted to SFST's and showed signs of impairment. He was also found to be driving without a license. Subject was arrested and agreed to Chemical testing. Results were 0.18g/210L-0.18g/210L. Subject was booked into Santa Fe ADC with out incident.