Case #2025000376 // Warrant Arrest - 1/20/2025
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Deputy Assigned: J. RIvera-Suarez
Commander Entering: Cpl. A. Hancock
Location: NM 106
Arrested: Rudy Vialpando (67 YO)
Deputy conducted a traffic stop. Driver was identified and found to have a warrant for failure to appear on various traffic offenses. Driver was booked and released on recognizance.
Case #2025000354 // Aggravated DUI, Resisting an Officer - 1/19/2025
Deputy Assigned: J. Lujan
Commander Entering: Cpl. A. Hancock
Location: Sandy Lane
Arrested: Jessica Springer (35 YO)
Deputies were dispatched to the area in reference to a suspicious person. Upon arrival, contact was made with with the suspect who had high-centered her vehicle. Driver showed signs of impairment, and at one point during contact with Deputies tried to drive away. Suspect was arrested and refused chemical testing.
Case 2025000362/ Driving while License Revoked/ 1-19-2025
Assigned: Deputy R. Vallejo
Entering: Lt. C. Brandle
Location: Calle Rivera/Summer Rd
Arrested: Guadalupe Parra-Olivas 44 y/o
During the course of crash investigation, Deputies learned one of the drivers was operating a motor vehicle with a revoked driver's license, subject to arrest. Driver was arrested, transported and booked into SFADC without incident.
Case 2025000361/Burglary of Motor Vehicle/01-19-25
Assigned: Deputy J. Soriano
Entering: Lt. C. Brandle
Location: Los Pinos Rd.
Victim advised that suspect(s) broke into his vehicle between the hours of 4:00 PM on Friday, Jaunary 17,and Sunday morning 11:00 AM. The suspect(s) took 2 key fobs, prescription sunglasses, mexican blanket, tote basket. The vehicle was not damaged. There is no suspect information at this time.
Case #2025000353 // Driving while License Revoked, Traffic Violation - 1/19/2025
Deputy Assigned: B. Wilson
Commander Entering: Cpl. A. Hancock
Location: Agua Fria St.
Arrested: Jonathan Smith (32 YO)
Deputy conducted a traffic stop due to the male stopping at a red light, then continuing to drive through the light. Contact was made with the driver and identification revealed he had a revoked drivers license due to a prior DUI. Driver was arrested and charged accordingly.
Case #2025000352 // Battery Against a Household Member - 1/18/2025
Deputy Assigned: J. Flores-Ramirez
Commander Entering: Cpl. A. Hancock
Location: San Miguel Dr. (Edgewood)
Arrested: Benita Stevens (42 YO)
Deputies responded to the address in reference to a domestic disturbance. Investigation revealed the suspect battered her child's father due to an argument over camera's around the household. Suspect was arrested and booked at the detention facility.
Case 2025000348/Death investigation
Assigned-Deputy M. Romero
Entering-Cpl. G. Nieto
Fajada Wash
Deceased-76 YOM
Deputies reponded to the location in reference to a medical call. Upon arriving medics were on scene attempting life saving efforts. Deceased suffered from medical issues. OMI responded to scene.
2025000347 / Warrant service / 01-18-2025
Deputy assigned: K. Whyte
Commander entering: Cpl. J.War
Location: Camino Hector Chimayo, NM
Arrested: Kristy Martinez 40 YOF
Deputy responded to location in reference to a 911 hang up call. During the investigation, contact was made with subject. It was later confirmed she had an active warrant for her arrest for failure to appear in court on original charges of battery. Subject was placed under arrest, transported and booked into Santa Fe County Jail without incident.
2025000344 / Missing person / 01-18-2025
Deputy assigned: R. Vallejo
Commander entering: Cpl. J.War
Location: Torneo Rd Santa Fe, NM (Eldorado)
Missing: Jose Orozco-Montijo 79 YOM
On January 18, 2025, Santa Fe County Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to 2 Torneo Rd, in El Dorado, in reference to a missing person.
Deputies made contact with the daughter of the missing. Deputies learned the missing was last seen the day prior at approximately 1400 and noticed missing at approximately 2100. Deputies learned the daughter had searched for the missing throughout the night with no success.
The missing has since been entered into NCIC.
2025000338 / Burglary, Larceny / 01-18-2025
Deputy assigned: S. Riley
Commander entering: Cpl. J.War
Location: La Pradera Santa Fe, NM
Victim: 34 YOF
Victim reported unknown male entered her vehicle parked in her driveway during the early morning hours of January 18, 2025. Once inside the vehicle, they stole a jacket. Video surveillance captured the incident and learned there was at least one other person with the suspect during the incident. Case is under investigation.