Case 2023003218 (Aggravated DWI 3rd Offense/Driving while license Revoked/Roadways laned for traffic)
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Assigned Deputy Patrick Hein
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
Sawmill Rd/Rodeo Rd
Arrested Joshua Soveranes 20YOM (Santa Fe, NM)
Traffic stop was conducted on vehicle due to it not being able to drive within its lane of travel. Driver agreed to SFST's and showed signs of impairment. Subject was arrested and refused to submit to chemical testing. Subject was booked into SF ADC with out incident.
Case#2023003209/Driving on a revoked drivers license, vehicle to be registered, and no insurance/5-26-23
Assigned: Cpl. B Lattin
Commander Entering: Cpl. C Valencia
Location: 1 Block of Rancho Viejo, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Naqeebullah Haydari, 34 YOM, Albuquerque, NM
Deputies stopped a vehicle for a traffic infraction at the above location. The driver was found to have a revoked license due to a past DWI. Driver was arrested and booked into Santa Fe County ADC without incident
Case#2023003194/Criminal damage to property and larceny/5-26-23
Deputy Assigned: J Puentes
Commander Entering: Cpl. C Valencia
Location: 600 Block of Old Las Vegas Highway, Santa Fe, NM
Stolen: Catalytic Converter (Value $100-200)
On Friday, May 26, 2023, the victim stated he parked his car at the Café Fina Restaurant in an attempt to sell it. It was learned an unknown person (suspect) stole the catalytic converter from the above vehicle. The suspect (s) utilized an unknown cutting instrument to remove the catalytic converter from the vehicle. Contact was made with Café Fina; to obtain video surveillance of the incident.
Case#2023003177/Battery on a HHM, Criminal Damage to HHM property, and Interference with communications/5-25-23
Deputy Assigned: J Puentes
Commander Entering: Cpl. C Valencia
Location: Rancho Sante Valle, Santa Fe, NM
Suspect: Isiah Martinez, 22YOM, Santa Fe, NM
Deputies were dispatched in reference to a after the fact domestic disturbance. Upon arrival it was learned the victim had been battered by her boyfirend between the dates of May 20, 2023 through May 23, 2023. Victims injuries were consistant with her statements. Suspect was not located, but is to be summonsed per the District Attorneys Office.
Case 2023003192 Unlawful taking of a motor vehicle
assigned Deputy D. Martinez
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
Estrella Brillante
Suspect unknown
Vehicle Taken Grey 2017 Hyundai Santa Fe
Deputy responde to a residence in regards to a stolen stolen vehicle. it was learned the vehicle taken from th efornt of the residence. Unknown suspect(s). Case is under investigation.
Case 2023003191 Receiving transferring of a motor vehicle/Possession of a controlled substance.
Assigned DEputy T. Tixier
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
Harrison Rd.
Arrested Yvette Naranjo 51 YOF (Espanola, NM)
While patrolling the area, A LoJack signal indicated that a stolen vehicle was in the area. Vehicle was loacted at a residnce with the subject asleep inside. Subject was found to be in possession of Fentenyl and arrested. Subject was booked into SF ADC with out incident.
Case 2023003190 Warrant Arrest
Assigned Deputy R. Blea
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
Gunbarrel Rd/ Calle Serna
arrested Garrett Katcher 40 YOM (Los Alamos, NM)
Traffic stop was conducted on vehicle and the driver was found to have an active warrant for his arrest. Driver was arrested an booked into SF ADC with out incident.
Case 2023003187 warrant Arrest
Assigned Deputy Patrick Hein
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
Corte Arroyo Alamo
Arrested John Paul Gonzales 38 YOM (Espanola, NM)
Deputies reposnded to a welfare check and made contact with a male. Male was found to have an active warrant for his arrest. subject was arrested and booked into SF ADC with out incident.
Case 2023003185 Warrant Arrest
Assigned Deputy R. Blea
Entering Cpl. G. Nieto
NM106/US 84-285
Arrested Andrew Montoya 27YOM (Espanola, NM)
Traffic stop was conducted on vehicle and the driver was found to have an active warrant for his arrest. Driver was arrested an booked into SF ADC with out incident.
Case#2023003179/Driving While License Revoked/5-25-23
Deputy Assigned: C. Podolak
Commander Entering: Cpl. C Valencia
Location: Mile Marker 172 US 84/285, Santa Fe County, NM
Arrested: Eric Montoya, 39 YOM, Espanola, NM
Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to an assistance with other agency. Upon arrival, deputies met with Tesuque Tribal Police and were advised that they had conducted a traffic stop for speeding on the above vehicle. Upon contact, Tesuque Tribal Police learned the driver of the car has a revoked driver's license with the attached arrest clause due to a prior DWI. Deputies contacted the driver and verified that his driver's license was revoked 122G, through Santa Fe RECC. The driver was arrested, transported, and booked accordingly without incident.