Case 2023003185 Warrant Arrest

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Assigned Deputy R. Blea

Entering Cpl. G. Nieto

NM106/US 84-285

Arrested Andrew Montoya 27YOM (Espanola, NM)

Traffic stop was conducted on vehicle and the driver was found to have an active warrant for his arrest. Driver was arrested an booked into SF ADC with out incident. 

Case#2023003179/Driving While License Revoked/5-25-23

Deputy Assigned: C. Podolak

Commander Entering: Cpl. C Valencia

Location: Mile Marker 172 US 84/285, Santa Fe County, NM

Arrested: Eric Montoya, 39 YOM, Espanola, NM

Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to an assistance with other agency. Upon arrival, deputies met with Tesuque Tribal Police and were advised that they had conducted a traffic stop for speeding on the above vehicle. Upon contact, Tesuque Tribal Police learned the driver of the car has a revoked driver's license with the attached arrest clause due to a prior DWI. Deputies contacted the driver and verified that his driver's license was revoked 122G, through Santa Fe RECC. The driver was arrested, transported, and booked accordingly without incident. 


Case #2023003178 Unattended Death

Deputy Assigned: C. Cullison

Commander Entering.: Cpl. B. Lattin

Location: Camino Sin Ganas, Santa Fe

Decedent: 72 YOA female, Santa Fe

Deputies responded to a report of a female not conscious not breathing. Deputies and medics arrived on scene and determined the female was beyond life saving measures. No signs of foul play were observed. OMI was contacted to complete investigation.

Case#2023003174/ Unattended Death/ 5-25-23

Deputy Assigned: J Apodaca/ M Rabolli

Commander Entering: Cpl. C Valencia

Location: Callejon De Rita, Santa Fe, NM

Deceased: 73YOM, Santa Fe, NM

Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to an unattended death. Upon arrival deputies made contact with a neighbor , who found deceased. Through investigation,  It appeared the victim suffered from many health issues. Foul play is not suspected. OMI contacted.


Deputy Assigned: J. Apodaca/ M. Rabolli

Commander Entering: Cpl. C Valencia

Location: E. Chili Line, Santa Fe, NM

Stolen: Jewlery (Value $15,000)

Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to a larceny. Upon arrival the victim stated that sometime on April 11, 2023, someone took the above items to include a ring and four necklaces. The victim stated the only individulas who had access to the location were a local cleaning crew. But does not believe them to be suspects. 

Case 2023003168 Warrant Arrest 05-25-23

Assigned: Diego Lovato 

Entering: Sgt. E. Webb Jr. 

Location: Mile Post 184 US 84/285 Pojoaque

Arrested: Haley French 52 yoa male (Santa Fe)

Subject was contacted during a traffic stop. He was found to have an active warrant out of the Sandoval County Magistrate Court for failing to appear on traffic charges. He was arrested and booked without incident. 



Case#2023003165 Assault on a household member 5-24-23

Deputy Assigned: Diego Lovato 

Entering: Sgt. E. Webb Jr. 

Location: Rio En Medio Road

Arrested: John Jimenez 56 yoa male 

Deputies were dispatched to a domestic disturbance. Investigation revealed the subject had threatened to strike his partner, and did so with a closed fist. Subject was arrested and charged. Subject was booked without incident. 

Case #2023003160 Stolen Trailer 05-24-23

Assigned: J.T. Watson 

Entering: Sgt. E. Webb

Location 17600 block of 84/285 (Pojoaque)

Stolen: Black 20 foot PJ trailer

Deputies were dispatched in reference to a stolen traier. Sometime overnight, someone cut the lock to a property and stole a 20 foot utility trailer. Investigation is on-going. 

Case#2023003161 Battery against a household member 5-24-23

Deputy Assigned: Michael Hein

Commander Entering: Sgt. Edward Webb 

Location: Sunset Canyon (Santa Fe)

Arrested:Karen Zambrano (Santa Fe)

Deputies were dispatched to a residence in reference to a domestic dispute. Investigation revealed the subject had battered her partner. Subject was arrested and booked without incident. 

Case# 2023003162 / Death Investigation / 5-24-2023

Commander Entering: Lt. Michael Martinez

Location: Casa Del Oro Santa Fe, NM

Deceased: Male  88 yoa      Santa Fe, NM

Deputies were dispatched to location reference welfare check. Male located deceased in the home. No signs of foul play. OMI notifed and arrived on scene.