0209001109/Service of Documents (Arrest Order) 02/05/09

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Deputy Assigned: Agt. V. Naranjo

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: Fifth Street, Santa Fe, NM 87508

Arrested: Brian Stockstill (32YOA), Riverside Dr. Santa Fe, NM87508

The above named individual was located at labor ready services and taken into custody on an arrest order and felony warrant for failure to comply with probation.

0209001105/Service of Documents (Arrest Order) 02/05/09

Deputy Assigned: Agt. G. Gonzales

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: Riverside Dr., Santa Fe, NM 87508

Arrested: Gerard Romero (30 YOA) Riverside Dr. Santa Fe, NM 87508

The above named individual was arrested on a arrest order issued by the NM Dept. of Corrections.

0209001106/Service of Documents (Warrant) 02/05/09

Deputy Assigned: Agt. G. Gonzales

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: Madison Rd., Santa Fe, NM 87508

Arrested: Sabrina Barela (29 YOA) Madison Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87508

The above named individual was located at her residence, she was taken into custody without incident on a municipal court warrant for failure to appear. She was transported to ADC and Booked.

0209001078/Service of Documents (Warrant) 02/05/09

Deputy Assigned: Agt. G. Gonzales

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: 1519 Fifth Street, Santa Fe, NM 87507

Arrested: Andrew Velasquez (18 YOA), Camino Tierra Real, Santa Fe ,NM 87508

The above wanted male was located at this place of employment.  Subject was taken into custody without incident and served a restraining order.  Subject was wanted for failure to comply with probation.

0209001140 Burglary 02-05-09

Deputy Assigned: Marvyn Jaramillo

Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Location: 1600 block of Camino De Mi Angel SFNM

On the above date, the above officer responded to the above location regarding a breaking and entering.  Upon speaking with the victim, he advised that unknown person(s) gained unathorized entry into his home through the back door.  Suspect(s) then went through the residence and rumaged through the drawers.  The victim advised that nothing was taken from the home.

0209001142 DWI 02-06-09

Deputy assigned: Ted Padilla

Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Location; Country Glub Gardens MHP SFNM

Arrested: Ivan Galbadon 38yoa

On the above date, officers responded to the above location regarding a crash with injuries.  The defendant had crashed into a parked vehicle and upon making contact with him, he displayed signs of impairment.  He then refused field tests and was transported to the hospital for a blood draw to determine alcohol level.  Defendant was then transported to the adult detention center and booked accordingly. 

0209001141 DWI/MVA 02-05-09

Deputy Assigned: Brian Markley

Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Location: SFCRD 45 SFNM

Arrested: Bobby Masopust 28yoa

On the above date, officers responded to a roller crash at the above location.  Upon arrival the defendant's vehicle was located in a field south of SF county Rd. 45.  The defendant was later located at his home and admited to driving the vehicle.  Defendant displayed signs of impairment and failed field test.  He was later transported to the hospital and had a blood test to determine alcohol level.  He was then transported and booked at the adult detention center. 

Case#:  0209001136/ Aggravated DWI, Open container, Careless driving/ Date:  02/05/09

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Solomon Romero

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location of arrest:  Lonebutte General Store, Santa Fe, NM

Suspect:  Hector Ahumada, age 44, Santa Fe, NM

Charged:  Agg. DWI, Open Container, Careless driving

Vehicle above was reported as travelling recklessly on SR 14.  Contact was made with the vehicle at the intersection of SR14 and CR 44.  Vehicle was observed as it crossed the edgeline twice then crossed the center line.  A traffic stop was conducted at the Lonebutte general store.  driver showed signs of impairment and submitted to SFST's. Driver was placed under arrest and refused chemical testing.  He did not have a valid driver's license.  Suspect was transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.

Case#:  0209001136/ Aggravated DWI, Open container, Careless driving/ Date:  02/05/09

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Solomon Romero

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location of arrest:  Lonebutte General Store, Santa Fe, NM

Suspect:  Hector Ahumada, age 44, Santa Fe, NM



Case#:  0209001136/ Aggravated DWI, Open container, Careless driving/ Date:  02/05/09

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Solomon Romero

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location of arrest:  Lonebutte General Store, Santa Fe, NM

Suspect:  Hector Ahumada, age 44, Santa Fe, NM
