Case#:  0209001133/ Felony DWI, Driving on roadways laned for traffic, Open Container, No Insurance/ Date:  02/05/09

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Deputy assigned:  Deputy Brian Markley

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location of arrest:  I-25 mm 264, Santa Fe, NM

Suspect:  Clyde Martinez, age 42, Santa Fe, NM

Charged:  Felony DWI, Driving on Roadways laned for traffic, Open Container, No Insurance

On 2/5/09 at 1744 hours suspect while operating his truck northbound on I-25 failed to maintain his lane by crossing over the center divide line 6 times and the right edge line 4 times while towing a silver Daewoo station wagon with a nylon strap.  Suspect displayed signs of impairment.  Suspect admitted to consumin 2 beers.  Suspect was found in possession of an open plastic cup which had whiskey and soda mixture, an open mini bottle of peppermint schnapps and an open bottle of Canadian Mist .  Suspect showed signs of impairment during SFST's.  Suspect submitted to a breath test in which his BrAC was .37, .36.  A check with NM DMV revealed that suspect had 4 prior DWI actions. He did not have proof of insurance.  He was arrested, transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.

Case#:  0209001129/ Escape from custody, Battery against a household member, Resisting Evading or Obstructing an Officer/ Date:

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Rachel Weber & Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location of arrest:  3991 Camino Juliana, Santa Fe, NM

Suspect:  John Valdez, age 20, Santa Fe, NM

Charged:  Escape from custody, Battery against a household member, Resisting Evading or Obstructing an officer

On 2/5/09 deputies responded to a domestic disturbance at the Cedar Creek apts.   Deputies made contact with possible suspect.  Victim stated that suspect was trying to take her phone and threw her down.  Suspect was with an ankle bracelet and Electronic Monitoring activated the warrant.  Deputy was transporting suspect to Electronic Monitoring to remove the bracelet and suspect fled on foot.  He was caught on Corrida de Agua.  Suspect was transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.

Case#:  0209001139/ Burglary, Larceny, Criminal Damage to Property/ Date:  02/05/09

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Michael Martinez

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location:  3500 block of West Alameda, Santa Fe, NM

Deputies responded to a burglary in progress at above location.  Upon Deputy arrival and during investigation shoeprints were located and followed to the home of the suspects.  Suspects were identified and Investigations was notified.  Case turned over to Investigations division.  Property taken from residence was a 25" RCA TV and jewelry.

Case#:  0209001132/ Forgery/ Date:  02/05/09

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Michael Martinez

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location:  Stacy Road, Santa Fe, NM

Victim reported that unknown persons stole checks she had ordered from her band and used two to purchase items from Hastings records and books.  There are not suspects at this time.  Victim reported that she became suspicious after not receiving her checks in the mail and calling her bank who told her she was overdrawn on her account.

0209001118/Embezzlement-Criminal Damage/02-05-2009

Deputy Assigned: D. Romero

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: County Road 84B (El Rancho)  Santa Fe, NM 87507

Suspect(s): Pending


Victim reported that he hired a female and male through Craigs List to sell vacuum cleaners for his business in late January 2009.  On Feb. 1, 2009 the suspects checked out a vacuum to sell to a possible buyer.  Victim lost contact with suspects for several days.  After making contact with the suspects today through text messages the suspect told him that they wanted $800.00 for the vacume or they would not return it.  The victim attempeted to meet with the suspects on State Road 502 and County Road 101D where an unidentified male exited a red in color Mitsubushi sedan and threw a rock at his vehicle causing visible damage.  The suspects were not located in the area.  Further investigation into this matter is pending.  

0209001107 Battery Against A Household Member 02-05-09

Deputy Assigned: Dan Garcia

Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident: Calle Lazo Erante / Vigas Verde MHP

Arrested:Ross Maez, Age:31, Address: 36 Calle Lazo Erante

Charges: Battery Against A Household Member

On 02-05-09 at approximately 7:21 AM the victim called our agency to report that she had been battered by her husband after getting in to an arguement. The suspect was later located and placed under arrest for battery against a household member.

0209001068/Service of Documents (warrant) 02/04/09

Deputy Assigned: Agt. V. Naranjo

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: 2000 St. Michaels Dr., Santa Fe, NM 87508

Arrested: Marty Martinez (27 YOA), Allegre St., Santa Fe, NM 87501

The above named individual was arrested on an outstanding district court warrant for failure to pay fines or costs.

0209001060/Service of Documents (Warrant) 02/04/09

Deputy Assigned: Agt. V. Naranjo

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: 28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe County Detention Facility, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Elias Velasquez (23 YOA), Sycamore Lp. Santa Fe, NM 87508

The above nemed was served with a magistrate court warrant while incarcerated in the adult detention center The warrant is for failure to comply with conditions of probation.

0209001058/Service of Documents (Warrant) 02/04/09

Deputy Assigned: Agt. G. Gonzales

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: 4250 Airport Rd. (Electronic Monitoring), Santa Fe, NM 87508

Arrested: Lawrence Gallegos (27 YOA), San Mateo Way North, Santa Fe, NM

The above male was taken into custody on a felony warrant for failure to comply with the conditions of electronic monitoring.

0209001102 Aggravated DWI 02-05-09

Deputy assigned: Brian Markley

commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Loaction: Old Pecos Trail SFNM

Arrested: Manuel Rivera 36yoa

On the above date officer was responding to an activated alarm at the El Gancho Resturant.  Upon arrival officer came in contact witht eh defendant leaving the property.  Thinking the defendant may be a possible burgular, officer stopped defendant.  Upon making contact, defendant displayed signs of impairment.  Defendant refused feild tests and was arrestd.  Defendant refused to submit to a breath test and was charged aggravated DWI.  Defendant was transported to the adult detention center and booked accordingly.  He was also found to be in possession of suspected marijuana and was charged accordingly and an opened container.