0209001100 Arrest by Warrant 02-05-09
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deputy assigned: Marvyn Jaramillo
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location SFCRD 61A SFNM
Arrested: Sonya Suarez 19yoa
On the above date, the defendant was a passenger of a vehicle involved in a traffic stop. Upon checking wants on the occupants, she came back with an active arrests order out of the Santa Fe Municpal Court for failure to appear. She was arrested and transported to the adult detention center.
0209001098 DWI 02-04-09
Deputy assigned: Brian Markley
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: State Rd. 599 SFNM
Arrested: Patrick Roybal 22yoa
On the above date, the above officer witnessed the defendant run a stop sign. Upon completing a traffic stop, defendant displyed signs of impairment and had an odor of alcohol. Defendant failed field tests and was arrested. Defendant had a BrAC of .12 and was transported to the adult detention center. Defendant also had suspected marijuana and a smoking pipe on his person and was also charged accordingly.
0209001097 Fraudulent use of a Credit Card 02-04-09
Officer Assigned: Gerald Lovato
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: 95Verano Loop, SFNM
On the above date, the above officer responded to the above location regarding the above offense. Upon speaking with the victim, she avised that she had lost her wallet the previous day and noticed that charges were being made on her credit card. Person(s) unknown charged $2, 406.06 on her credit cards without her approval at various locations in Santa Fe. The credit cards were cancelled.
0209001057 Battery on a Household Member 02-04-09
Deputy Assigned: Doug Wood
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: 75B Sandoval Rd. SFNM
Arrested: Anthony Garza 25yoa
On the above date, the above named officer responded to the above location regarding a violent domestic. Upon arrival he made contact with the victim who advise that the defendant had choked her and batterred her. The victim had signs of battery and the defendant was arrested and transported to the adult detention center.
Case #:0209001093 / Battery Against a Household Member / Date: 02-04-2009
Deputy Assigned: Sergeant Linda Ortiz
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Southern Exposure Steet / Cerrillos NM Area
Arrested: Danica Quintana, 27 yoa female, Josette Barela, 38 yoa
Charges: Battery Against a Household Member, Warrant Service
Deputies responded to a domestic dispute in which the above listed female suspects battered family members following a dispute at a residence. The two female suspects were arrested and booked accordingly.
Case #: 0209001090 / Possession of Cocaine / Date: 02-04-2009
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Michael Martinez
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Agua Fria Street at Maes Road Allsup's
Arrested: Jose Avila-Ortiz, 38 yoa, Santa Fe, NM
Charges: Possession of a controlled substance to wit: Cocaine
A Sheriff's Deputy conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle due to a traffic violation. The driver stopped at the Maes Allsup's and exited the vehicle and attempted to walk away into the store. The male was later found to be in possession of 3 small baggies of a white powdery substance: cocaine. He was booked accordingly into the county jail.
Case #:0209001094 / Criminal Trespass / Date: 02/04/2009
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Michael Martinez
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Camino de Quintana / Santa Cruz County Housing
Arrested: Julian Gonzales, 39 yoa, Santa Cruz NM
Deputies responded to a domestic dispute in the Santa Fe County Housing in Santa Cruz, NM. Upon Deputies arrival, the above named individual was found to be on the property. This male had been trespassed from the housing area and was arrested for Criminal Trespassing. He was booked accordingly.
Case #:0209001079 / Burglary / Date: 02/04/09
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Rachel Webber
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Vista Grande Drive / Eldorado Area
Stolen: Electronic items, flat screen tv, games, laptop computer
The victim reported that he arrived home and found the front door to his residence to be forced open. The victim entered the residence and found above items missing.
Case #:0209001095 / Robbery / Date: 2/4/09
Deputy Assigned; Deputy Solomon Romero
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: 3200 Block of Rufina Street / Richards Avenue Area
Victim: 35 yoa Female
Suspect: Name on File, age unknown
The victim reported that her room mate held her down and their apartment and physically removed a plastic baggie containing $500.00 from her shirt. The suspect also removed a purse which contained a cell phone and other misc. items.
02090001019/Escape From a Peace Officer/Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon/ 02/03/09
Handling Officer: Det. A. Chavez
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office, 35 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM 87508
Arrested: Richard Seville (20 YOA) Encantado Road, Santa Fe, NM 87508
The above suspect was arrested on the above charges and transported to the sheriff's office for questioning. While at this location the subject attempted to escape by fleeing from the building but was immediately apprehended in the parking lot area.