0209001064 Burglary 02-04-09
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Deputy Assigned: Sgt. Ben Encinias
Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident: Agua Fria Rd.
Suspect: Pending
On the above date the victim reported that on 01-26-09 two suspects stole a Air Compressor and a builders level from his garage. He was able to find out who did it and retrieved his belongings.
0209001073 Unlawful Taking Of A Motor Vehicle 02-02-09
Deputy Assigned: Andrew Quintana
Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident: State Rd 14
Suspect: Pending
On the above date the owner of the RV sales at the above location reported that sometime between 02-03-09 atn 5:00 PM and 02-04-09 11:00 AM someone got in to the property and stole a 36 foot Fifth Wheel RV Trailer . The suspects cut the barb wire fence to remove the trailer.
Case#: 0209001055, Battery against a household member, service of documents/ Date: 02/03/09
Deputy assigned: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location of arrest: Cottonwood Drive, Santa Fe, NM (Cottonwood MHP)
Victim/suspect: Rene Alvarado, age 20, Santa Fe, NM
Charged: Bench warrant out of Santa Fe Magistrate Court for Failure to pay fines
On 2/3/09 deputies responded to Cottonwood MHP in reference to a domestic disturbance. The victim/suspect stated that his 17 year old girlfriend had followed him from his residence to the above location and began scratching and hitting him. Victim/Suspect had an active warrant out of Santa Fe County Magistrate Court for failure to pay fines. He was then placed under arrest, transported and booked accordingly into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center. Suspect was not located.
Case#: 0209001052/ Burglary, Larceny/ Date: 02/03/09
Deputy assigned: Deputy Rachel Weber
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location: Residence off of Ute Circle, Santa Fe, NM (off Old Las Vegas Highway)
On 2/3/09 unknown suspect(s) entered residence through an unknown location and removed a gold wedding ring, an I-touch IPOD, Sony Laptop, misc. DVD's, misc x-box games, x-box controllers, Wii with 5 controllers, a boxing glove, and 1 HP laptop computer. Victim believes suspects may have used a key to gain entry into the residence. Estimated value of items taken is over $10,000.00.
Case #:0209001048 / Criminal Sexual Contact of a Minor / Date: 2/3/2009
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Vanessa Hayes
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Camino de Jacobo / Airport Road Area
Victim: 11 year old female
Suspect: Martin Saavedra, 41 yoa
A child disclosed to her school counselor that she had been molested by her step-father since the child was 2 years of age. The suspect was located and arrested by Investigators. He was booked accordingly into the County Jail.
Case:0209001047 / Burglary /Date: 2/3/09
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Michael Martinez
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Camino Cabo / Eldorado Area
Stolen: Nothing
Damaged: Two French Doors
The victim reported that three males forced entry into his residence by kicking in the french doors while he was home in an attempt to commit residential burglary. The males fled from the residence when they found the victim was home.
0209001033 Identity Theft 02-03-09
Deputy Assigned: Andrew Quintana
Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident: Walnut Street / Cottonwood MHP
Suspect: Pending
On the above date the victim reported that sometime between 01-01-2007 and 01-01-2008 someone used his social security number to gain employment in Pebble Beach Cali.. Victim stated that he lost his wallet in Mexico several years ago and thinks that is how someone obtained his information.
0209000994 Embezelment 02-02-09
Deputy Assigned: Dan Garcia
Commander Entering: Sgt Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident: Avenida Vista Grande / Eldorado
Suspect: pending
On the above date the victim reported that an ex-employee had been stealing money, and tea from her business. This has been happening since July of 2008. The employee was fired before this incident was ever reported.
0209001000 Driving While Under The Influence 02-02-09
Deputy Assigned: Tracy Baca
Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident: Airport Rd.
Arrested: David Chavez, Age:33 Address: Casitas MHP Space #181
Charges: DWI, Battery Against A Household Member, Child Indangerment, Suspended License
On the above date the suspect was placed under arrest after he was observed by a deputy battering his girlfriend. After further investigation it was determined that he was under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs and driving around with a small child in the vehicle.
0209001023 / Burglary / 2-2-09
Deputy assigned: Deputy Fabian Trujillo
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: NM 503 - Pojoaque, NM
Victim returned home at about 9:15pm and found the front doors to her guest house wide open and a television and DVD player missing from inside. There was no forced entry - the front doors had been left unlocked. No suspects or witnesses are known at this time.