0209001019/ Aggravated Battery. 02-02-09
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Deputy Assigned: S. Baca
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: Camino Jacobo- Santa Fe County Housing
On 02-02-09 the victim reported that he was at a friends residence when a male subject walked up to him. The subject was armed with a metal rod. The suspect(s) began striking the victim causing injury. The suspect(s) fled the area prior to arrival. The victims vehicle was damaged during the altercation. This case is currently under investigation.
0209001018/ Burglary/ 02-02-09
Deputy Assigned: K. Whyte
Commander Entering: Corporal J. Rodriguez
Location: Walnut- Cottonwood Mobile Home Park
Stolen: Gray Sony Stereo with MP3 hookup and CD Player
Value: $400.00
On 02-02-09 the victim reported that an identified suspect entered her vehicle and stole the above item. The vehicle was parked outside the victims residence. The alarm to the vehicle went off when the suspect was in the vehicle. The suspect fled on foot to an awaiting Ford Explorer. Case is still under investigation.
0209000970 Burglary 2/1/09
Commander Entering: Lt Jeremy Garcia Deputy Assigned: Deputy Jeff Jaquez
Location: State Road 502
No suspect Information
Stolen Items: Television, Misc CD & DVD, CD player, BMX bicycle, misc tools and grocery items.
Victim reported that his home was burglarized. Entry was made without force. All the above items were stolen from the home. No suspect information is available at this time.
0209000986 / DWI / 2-1-09
Deputy assigned: Deputy Shannon Coles
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Rodeo Road - Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Justin Rushford - age 27, Santa Fe, NM
The above driver was stopped for speeding. The driver exhibited signs of impairment and was placed under arrest. He submitted to a breath test and the results were .15 and .15. The driver was booked into ADC accordingly.
0209000969 / Shooting at or from a motor vehicle / 2-1-09
Deputy assigned: Deputy Phil Lahargoue
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Club House Road - Las Campanas
On 2-1-09, between 2:00am and 5:00am, unknown suspect(s) discharged several rounds from a firearm at a parked, unoccupied van. No suspects or witnesses were located or known at the time of report.
020090009/ Assault Against a Household Member/ 02-01-09
Deputy Assigned: J. Lucero
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: Cerrado Way- Eldorado Subdivision
Arrested: Robert Lee age: 40
Charges: Assault Against a Household Member, Driving Under the Influence
Officers were dispatched to the above address in reference to a Domestic Dispute. Officers met the victim at the Agora Shopping Center. The victim reported that the above individual had thrown dresser drawers at her. While making contact with the victim the above suspect was observed driving into the Shopping Center. Upon making contact the suspect showed signs of impairment. The suspect was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.
0209000968 / Burglary / 2-1-09
Deputy assigned: Deputy Chris Archuleta
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Baca Lane, Santa Fe, NM
On 2-1-09, an employee of Frito Lay reported that one of their trucks had been burglarized through an unlocked door. Miscellaneous Frito Lay merchandise was stolen from inside. No suspects or witnesses are known at this time.
0209000931/ Service of Documents/ 01-30-09
Deputy Assigned: Stephanie Baca
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
location: Avenida Vista Grande Eldorado Subdivision
Arrested: Elena Junes age:43
Charges: Bench Warrant for Failure to Pay Fines
On 01-30-09 the above individual was placed under arrest after being found to have an active Bench Warrant for her arrest. The warrant was issued out of Santa Fe Magistrate Court. She was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.
0209000951/ Service of Documents/ 01-31-2009
Deputy Assigned: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: Santa Fe County Electronic Monitoring Program
Arrested: Allen Kuehfus age: 45
Charge: Bench Warrant for Failure to Comply with Conditions of Release
On 01-31-09 the above individual was placed under arrest at the Santa Fe County Electronic Monitoring Program. Individual had an Bench Warrant for his arrest charging him with Failing to Comply with Conditions of Release. The individual was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.
0209000952/ Service of Documents/ 01-31-2009
Deputy Assigned: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center
Arrested: Oscar Munos-Carrillo age: 23
Charges: District Court Bench Warrant for Probation Violation
Above individual was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail on an outstanding Bench Warrant out of Santa Fe District Court. The warrant charged the defendant with a Probation Violation.