0209000966 / Concealing Identity / 2-1-09

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Deputy assigned: Deputy Brian Markley

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: NM 14 - mm 39, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Charles Chinana - age 48, Albuquerque, NM

The above driver was stopped for speeding on NM 14. The driver concealed his identity  to the Deputy during the traffic stop and he was placed under arrest. The driver was booked into ADC accordingly and was further charged with having a suspended license.

0209000941 / Burglary / 1-31-09

Deputy assigned: Deputy Ted Padilla

Commander entering: Cpl. Daniel Chavez

Location: Boneyard Road - Arroyo Seco, NM

The victim reports that sometime on 1/30/09 and 1/31/09, unknown suspect(s) entered the victim's residence by forcing open a window and stole a 52" Flat screen television from inside. The suspect(s) have not been identified and no witnesses have come forward.

0209000938 / Burglary / 1-30-09

Deputy assigned: Deputy Gerald Lovato

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Poplar Street - Santa Fe, NM

On 1/30/09, between 9:00am and 9:00pm, unkown suspect(s) forced entry into the victim's residence and stole a Sony Playstation console. Neighbors in the area reported seeing a suspicious male walking up and down the street thoughout the day. At the time of report, the male had not been identified.

0209000929/ Assault Upon a Peace Officer/01-30-09

Deputy Assigned: K. Whyte

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Santa Fe County Adult Detention

Arrested: Anthony Montoya age: 44

On 01-30-09 the aboe individual was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail by Santa Fe P.D. During the intake process, the above individual refused to cooperate with Officers at the Jail. The above individual attempted to strike the Officer and had to be restrained. The above listed person was charged with Assault upon a Peace Officer.


0209000936/ Burglary/ 01-30-09

Deputy Assigned: V. Hayes

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Boylan Court- Santa Fe, NM

Stolen: Nintendo 64, DVD player, Misc. Jewelry

Value: $1,650.00

On 01-30-09 Deputy Hayes was dispatched to the above location in reference to a Burglary. Victim stated that she left her residence at 8:00am and returned at about 7:30pm. Victim stated when she got home she found her front door open. Upon entering the residence she found the above items missing. Case is still under investigation.

0209000913 DWI/Arrest by warrrant 01-29-09

Deputy Assigned: Brian Markley

Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Location: Santa Fe County Rd. 84D El Rancho, NM

Arrested: Zachery Trevizo 21yoa and Lucas Javier Carreno 19yoa

On  the above date officers responded to the above location regarding a motor vehicle crash.  Upon arrival contact was made with the defendant Zachery Trevizo who was the driver of the vehicle.  The defendant displayed signs of impairment.  Defendant did admit to drinking alcohol prior top the crash and was arrested.  Defendant had a .14 BrAC.  Also on scene was the second defendant identified as Lucas Carreno was arrested on two warrants.  Both were transported to the adult detention center and booked accordingly.

Case #:0209000911 / Abandonment or Abuse of a Child / Date: 1-29-09

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Vanessa Hayes

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location: 2600 Block of Redwood Street/ Cottonwood MHP

Arrested: Carol Otto, 32 yoa, Santa Fe, NM

Charge: Abandonment or Abuse of a Child

Deputies responded to a report of an unattended six-year-old child in the Cottonwood mobile home park. Deputies learned that neighbors were caring for the child since 3:00 PM. The mother had locked the child out of the house and could not be located until 9:00 PM. The mother was arrested and charged accordingly and the child was turned over to CYFD.

Case #:0209000909 / Criminal Damage to Property / Date: 1-29-09

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Leonard Martinez

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location:Walmart Edgewood, NM

Arrested: Jared Barnhill, 18 yoa Edgewood, NM

Charges: Criminal Damage to Property, Resisting Evading Officer

A Sheriff Deputy witnessed the above named individual as he began to destroy the security shoplifting detectors at the entrance to the store.  The Deputy attempted to apprehend the suspect, who fled on foot.  A foot pursuit ensued resulting in the suspects arrest.  The value of the damaged security system is $6,000.00.  The suspect was booked accordingly.

0209000904/Service of Documents (Warrant) 01/29/09

Deputy Assigned: Agt. V. Naranjo

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: 4250 Airport Road (Electronic Monitoring), Santa Fe, NM 87507

Arrested: Dolores Behnke (28 YOA), 2110 Rancho Siringo, Santa Fe, NM 87507

The above named individual was taken into custoy for failure to comply with conditions probation (electronic monitoring)

0209000897/Unlawful taking of a motor vehicle-Larceny/01-29-2009

Deputy Assigned: D. Romero

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: I-25 East Frontage Road  Santa Fe, NM

Suspect(s): Pending


Victim reported on 1-29-09 that sometime between 1-26-2009 at 3:00 p.m. and today an unknown person stole a JB MMX 16' flat-bed trailer displaying NM licence plate 82268TRF, from his business property located at the above location.  Victim advised that the trailer also had equipment on it.  Total estimated value of the items taken is $16,300.  There are no suspects or witnesses at this time.