0209000697 DWI 01-22-09
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Deputy Assigned: Brian Peters
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: Agua Fria, SFNM
Arrested: Miguel Martinez-Herrera 43yoa
On the above date, the defendant was stopped for speeding 63mph on a posted 35mph zone. Upon making contact, the defendant displayed signs of impairment and was arrested. The defendant had a BrAC of .10 and .12. He was transported and booked at the adult detention center.
0209000696 DWI/Possession Cocaine 01-22-09
Deputy Assigned: Brian Markley
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: Camino Juliana, SFNM
Arrested: Jesus Montijo 26yoa
On the above date, officer witnessed the defendant driving recklessly in the parking lot of the Cedar Creek Apartments. Upon conducting a traffic stop, the defendant displayed signs of impairment. Defendant failed field tests and was arrested. Upon conducting an inventory of the defendant's vehicle, a container containing a white powdery substance which field tested positive for cocaine was located. The defendant had a BrAC of .10 and .11. He was transported and booked accordingly at the adult detention center.
Case#: 0209000692/ Burglary, Larceny, Criminal Damage to Property/ Date: 01/21/09
Deputy assigned: Deputy Solomon Romero
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location: Caminito Romero, Santa Fe, NM
Unknown suspect(s) pried open rear door to residence. Suspect(s) removed a 52" flat screen TV and a Toshiba laptop computer and left through the front door which they left it open. Latent prints were located and will be submitted. Estimated amount of items taken is $2500.00.
Case#: 0209000682/ Burglary, Larceny/ Date: 01/21/09
Deputy assigned: Deputy Solomon Romero
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location: residence off of Oak, Santa Fe, NM
Suspect entered garage last date and removed miscellaneous tools, misc. power tools, and an air compressor. Victim's son located items at suspects address. All items were recovered by victim's son. No contact was made with suspect at his residence. Case pending for further investigation. Estimated amount of items taken is $2600.00.
Case#: 0209000693/ Burglary, Larceny/ Date: 01/21/09
Deputy assigned: Deputy Eddie Webb Jr.
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location: Amanda Lane, Santa Fe, NM (La Cienega)
Victim reported that between 0900 and 1800 hours her house was entered and items were taken from within. She stated a flat screen TV, a grey laptop, a grey desktop, a Suzuki ATV, and a deadbolt was taken. Victim stated that there were no signs of forced entry. Estimated amount of items taken is $7010.00.
Case#: 0209000686/ Attempted Burglary, Criminal Damage to Property/ Date: 01/21/09
Deputy assigned: Deputy Eddie Webb Jr.
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location: Cerro del Alamo, Santa Fe, NM (La Cienega)
Victim reported that between 0500 and 1730 hours unknown person(s) tried kicking in the front door to his residence. Unknown person(s) were unable to gain entry. The door received damage. A screen was removed from a window and window remained intact. Estimated damage is about $2000.00.
Case#: 0209000689/ Battery/ Date: 01/21/09
Deputy assigned: Deputy Mike Martinez
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location of arrest: 40A Hernandez Lane, Santa Fe, NM
Suspect: Cueva Hernandez, age 40, Santa Fe, NM
Charged: Battery
Victim reported that the above named suspect approached her wanting to squash past problems. Victim stated she would but could not be best friends with suspect. Victim reported suspect became upset and then punched her in the face. Victim had redness to nose and blood drops on shirt. Suspect was contacted and said she defended herself after being pushed. Suspect was intoxicated and there were no visible injuries. Suspect was arrested, transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.
Case#: 0209000677/ Breaking and Entering, Criminal Damage to Property/ Date: 01-21-09
Deputy assigned: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location: Softwynd Drive, Santa Fe, NM
On the above date a witness had called and stated that 2 males were attempting to break into his neighbor's residence. He stated that he had seen a male with a grey hooded sweatshirt jump onto the wall and kick the window on the east side of the residence. He stated that the second male was standing around being the lookout. After the suspect had seen the witness, the suspects got into a 4 door black in color mid-size car and fled the area. The witness stated that the driver of the vehicle was a female and possibly had another person on the front passenger seat. Contact was was make with owner/victim who stated the estimated damage amount is about $500.00 for the window.
Case#: 0209000694/ Service of documents/ Date: 01/21/09
Deputy assigned: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location of arrest: 4250 Airport Road, Santa Fe, NM
Suspect: Jerry Duran, age 42, Santa Fe, NM
Charged: Bench warrant out of Santa Fe County Magistrate Court for failure to comply with conditions of probation.
On the above date suspect reported to Electronic Monitoring and was then arrested on a bench warrant out of Santa Fe County Magistrate Court for failure to comply with conditions of probation. Suspect was then transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.
0209000674 Breaking And Entering 01-21-09
Deputy Assigned: Dan Garcia
Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident: Calle Lazo Erante
Suspect: Pending
On the above date it was reported that someone broke in to the residence at the above location. Entry was gained through a rear bedroom window. Nothing appeared to be taken and the only thing damaged was a glass window.