0209000675 Burglary 01-21-09

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Deputy Assigned: Tim Benavidez

Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident: Cerro Del Alamo

Suspect: Pending

On the above date the victim reported that on 01-21-09 between 07:30 AM and 12;15 PM someone broke in to his residence and stole a laptop computer, a digital camera, 3 television sets, a 7MM rifle and a 12 Gauge shotgun.

0209000643Domestic Violence

Deputy assigned: Marvyn Jaramillo

Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego

Location of incident: 6471 Poplar St

Suspect/arrested: Alejandro Rodriguez age 36

Charges: Assault/Battery against a household member

On 1/21/09 at 0517hrs/am Deputies responded to a domestic dispute, in which the suspect threatened and attacked his wife, trying to hit her but family members stopped him, and held him on the ground until he calmed down. Everyone when to bed but the suspectcontinued his assaults and bit his wife on the left side of her mouth/lip, causing a small laceration. Suspect was highly intoxicated, and wanted to be arrested. Suspect was arrested/charged/booked accordingly


Case #:0209000640 / Burglary / Date: 1-20-09

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Vanessa Hayes

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location: Ute Lane / Old Las Vegas Highway Area

Stolen: Black Toshiba Laptop, Valued at $1000.00

The victim reported that someone had shattered a window to her residence and reached inside to steal a Toshiba laptop computer from a desk near the damaged window.  The case is under investigation.


Case #:020900615 / Possession of Controlled Substance: Heroin / Date: 1-20-09

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Eddie Webb Jr.

Commander Entering: Lt. Dennis O'Brien

Location: 4250 Airport Road

Arrested: Matthew Montano, 20 yoa, male Santa Fe, NM

The above named individual was found inside a vehicle at above location.  Contact was made with the individual and he was found to be in possession of a controlled substance, to wit: Heroin and drug paraphernalia.  The suspect was arrested and booked accordingly into the Santa Fe County Jail.


Deputy Assigned: D. Romero

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: 6100 block of Airport Road,  Santa Fe, NM 87505

Suspect/Arrested: Pending


On January 20, 2009 a 41 year old male reported that between December 8, 2008 and December 16, 2008 an ex-employee made unauthorized transactions in the amount of $853.77, with a buisness credit card that he was entrusted with to make purchases for the company.  Further investigation into this matter is pending.   

0209000603 Criminal Sexual Penetration 01-20-09

Deputy Assigned: Andrew Quintana

Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident: Vista Del Canon

Suspect: Pending

On the above date the victim reported that on 01-14-09 between the hours of 9:30 PM and 3:00 AM she was with a friend at her residence having an intimate night when he sexually assaulted her. 

0209000593 Criminal Damage To Property 01-20-09

Deputy Assigned: Andrew Quintana

Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident: Johnson Mesa / Rancho Viejo Sub-Division

Suspect: Pending

On the above date the victim reported that sometime between 01-19-09 9:30PM and 01-20-09 08:00AM  someone slashed 12 tires on her vehicles that were parked outside her residence.

0209000588 / AGG DWI / 1-19-09

Deputy assigned: Deputy Shannon Coles

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: West Frontage Road/Las Estrellas Road

Arrested: David Baros - age 41, Santa Fe, NM

The above suspect was involved in an altercation at a residence and left the scene in his vehicle. Deputies had a description of the vehicle and located it at the above location. When contact was made with the driver, they observed signs of intoxication and impairment. The driver was arrested and his breath results were .18 and .17. He was booked into ADC accordingly.

0209000558 / Commercial Burglary / 1-18-09

Deputy assigned: Deputy Moises Pena

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: La Carrera Apartments

Deputies responded to an activated alarm at the above location and found forced entry to a storage building. The suspect(s) had apparently tried to steal a snow blower from inside, but left it just outside the building. No other items were missing. No suspects or witnesses are known at this time.

0209000558 / DWI / 1-18-09

Deputy assigned: Deputy Brian Markley

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: NM 14 - mm 45, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Clyde Vigil - age 38, Santa Fe, NM

The above driver was stopped for speeding and failing to maintain the lane of traffic. The driver showed signs of impairment and admitted to consuming alcoholic beverages prior to driving. He was placed under arrest and his breath test results were .12 and .14. The driver was booked into ADC accordingly.