0209000250/ Aggravated D.W.I./ 01-08-09

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Deputy Assigned: B. Peters

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: North Horizon Trail- Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: David Castillo age: 57

Charges: Aggravated D.W.I. and Open Container

On 01-08-09 at approximately 7:06pm, the above subjects vehicle was reported as a suspicious vehicle. Upon making contact with the driver, signs of impairment were observed. The driver was unable to perform the SFST's. The driver was placed under arrest and taken to the Santa Fe County Sheriff's Dept. for a breath test. However, the driver would not provide a sufficient breath sample. Several open containers were also found in the vehicle. The driver was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.

0209000223 Death Investigation 1/8/09

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Rachel Webber  Comander Entering: Lt. Jeremy Garcia

Loaction:  West Cloadmarch (Santa Fe)

Victim:  41 year old female

Deputies responded to the above home in reference to a welfare check on the female.  The female was found deceased in the home.  There was no outward signs of trama.  No signs of foul play wre found. The victim next of kin has not been notified at the time of this report.  This case is under investigation.

0209000232 Burglary 1/8/09

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Nate Segura  Commander Entering:  Lt. Jeremy Garcia

Loaction:  Camino Marquita  (La Cieniga)  Stolen Items:  Sony TV, surround sound, camera equipment  $7400

No Suspects at this time

Victim reported that suspects broke into thier home and took several items.  There is no supects in this case, however this case has simalarities to a prior burglary case reported today.  Refer to case number 020900226.

0209000221 Burglary 1/8/09

Deputy Assigned:  Deputy Brien Nissen  Commander Entering:  Lt. Jeremy Garcia

Loaction: King Road  (Stanley)  No suspects at this time

stolen Item:  Various items totaling $3000

Victim reported that unknown suspect broke into thier home and took a large amount of property.  There is no suspect information at this time.

0209000226 Burglary 1/8/09

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Nate Segura  Commander Entering: Lt. Jeremy Garcia

Location:  Camino Capilla Vieja  Stolen:  52" Sharp TV-$1800  19"Westinghouse TV-$400

Suspects were in unknown type silver SUV--two hispanic males--no further decription

Victim reported seeing the above suspects leaving his home.  Upon inspection the above property was taken.  Suspects were not located.

0209000227 Fraud 1/9/09

Deputy Assigned:  Deputy Jeff Jaquez  Commander Entering: Lt. Jeremy Garcia

Location:  Camino Colores  Suspect information pending

Victim reported that suspects used her credit card to purchase $6000 in electronics.  The victim stated that these purchases arrived at her home, which alerted her to the fraud.

0209000233 Fraud 1/8/2009

Commander Entering:  Lt. Jeremy Garcia 

Suspect Pending Pending Investigation

Mandy Lane (Santa Fe Area)

Victim reported that suspect took his credit card and used it on two occations for the purchase of clothing, through Anacrombie and Fitch.  These charges totaled $1513.  Further investigation is needed for the identification of the suspect.

0208000187/ Embezzlement/ 01-07-09

Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: 6700 Cerrillos Road- Santa Fe, NM

Suspect: Pending

Victim reported that on 01-07-09 she was at her place of business in reference to personnel issues. While she was speaking with her two managers, she learned that they had misplaced the combination to the safe. Upon opening the safe, she found that approximately $800.00 was missing in miscellaneous coins and cash. This case is currently under investigation.


Deputy Assigned: J. Lucero

Commander Entering: Sgt. M . Post

Location: Painted Pony Circle   Santa Fe

Suspect: Pending

Victim reports that home was entered by removing a screen on an open window.  A 35" Toshiba TV was stolen along with a Toshiba DVD player.  Case is under investigation. 

0209000205/ Aggravated Burglary/ 01-07-09

Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Apache Ridge Road, Santa Fe, NM

Stolen: Miscellaneous Jewelry, Miscellaneous Firearms

Value: $11,000.00

Victim reported he left to work at approximately 0725-hours and returned home at approximately 1830-hours. Upon arriving home he found the glass door forced open. Several items were taken from the residence. This case is currently under investigation.