0209000001 / Battery against a household member / 1-1-09

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Deputy assigned - Deputy Ted Padilla

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location - Erica Road - Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Fernando Martinez-Solano - age 29, Santa Fe, NM

Deputies responded to the above location regarding a domestic dispute. In the course of their investigation, they found probable cause to arrest the above suspect for battering his wife. The suspect was booked into ADC accordingly.

Case# 0209000005 DWI (Felony)

Deputy Assigned:  Deputy Bryan Peters

Commander Entering:  Sergeant Joe McLaughlin

Location:  SFC 88 and Lower Firehouse Road, La Puebla

Vehicle:  White, 1998, Mitsubishi, 2 door

Suspect:  Roberta Trijullo, 34, La Puebla, NM

Charged:  DWI (Felony), Careless Driving, Driiving While License Suspended or 


On 1-1-2009, at 1:38 AM, the suspect was involved in a single vehicle crash where she allowed the vehicle to leave the roadway on the right side and drove into a ditch.  The suspect was found to be under the influence of an intoxicating liquor and had a Breath Alcohol Content of .08 or greater.  It was learned that the suspect has four prior DWI offenses.  It was also learned that the suspect's New Mexico driver's license is revoked with the arrest clause attached. 

Case# 0208011148 DWI

Deputy Assigned:  Deputy Bryan Peters

Commander Entering:  Sergeant Joe McLaughlin

Location:  Lopez Lane at Rufina Street

Vehicle:  Blue, 1988, Chevy, Pick-up

Suspect:  Delfino Garcia, 30, Santa Fe, NM

Charged:  DWI, Speeding (49/25), Mandatory Proof of Financial Responsibility,

               No Driver's License, Resisting and Obstructing an Officer,

               Warrant-Failure to Comply With Conditions of Release

On 12-31-2008, at 6:59 PM the suspect was operating the vehicle north bound at the location at 49 miles per hour in a posted 25 mile per hour zone.  The suspect was found to be under the influence of an intoxicating liquor and had a Breath Alcohol Content of .08 or higher.  The suspect was found not to have a driver's license as well as proof of insurance.  The suspect also failed to bring the vehicle to a stop when given a command to do so.  There was also an active arrest warrant for the suspect issued by the Santa Fe Municipal Court for Failure to Comply With Conditions of Release.

Case# 0208011148 DWI

Deputy Assigned:  Deputy Bryan Peters

Commander Entering:  Sergeant Joe McLaughlin



Case# 0208011148 DWI

Deputy Assigned:  Deputy Bryan Peters

Commander Entering:  Sergeant Joe McLaughlin


020811130 / breaking and entering / 12-30-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Marvin Jaramillo

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Peaks Place - Tesuque, NM

Unknown suspect(s) forced entry through the sliding door of the victim's residence. The suspect(s) rummaged through the residence, however, the victim did not find anything missing from inside. At the time of report, the suspect(s) are unknown and no witnesses have come forward. 

0208011126/ D.W.I. / 12-30-08

Deputy Assigned: B. Markely

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: State Road 14 mm42

Charges: D.W.I. Driving on Roadways Laned for Traffic, Speeding

Arrested: Janet Brockway age: 52

On 12-20-08 the above individual was stopped for failing to maintain her lane of travel and speeding. Upon making contact it was learned that she had consumed alcoholic beverages and showed signs of impairment. The driver was given the Standardized Feild Sobriety Test. The driver was given a breath test with a result of .06 and .06 BrAC. The driver was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.

0208011118/ Burlgary/ 12-30-08

Deputy Assigned: S. Baca

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Camino don Emilio  Santa Fe, NM

Stolen: 32" AKI Sony Flatscreen Television, 22" Phillips Flatscreen Television

Value: $2,200.00

On 12-30-08 the victim reported that  sometime between 1:00am and 12:00pm, unknown suspect(s) removed the air conditioning unit to the residence to gain entry. Once inside the suspect(s) removed two flatscreen televisions from inside. An attempt to locate latent prints was unsuccessful.

0208011116/ Aggravated D.W.I./ 12-30-08

Deputy Assigned: F. Trujillo

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: State Road 14 and Dinosaur Trail

Charges: Aggrevated D.W.I. and Reckless Driving

Arrested: Adam Valerio age: 32

On 12-30-08 the above individual was placed under arrest on the above charges. The individual was observed driving a Ford Crown Victoria and was stopped for reckless driving. The individual admitted to consuming two alcoholic beverages. The individual showed multiple clues of impairment. Individual was placed under arrest for D.W.I. The individual was read the NM Implied Consent Act and refused to give a breath sample. Individual was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.


Depyty Assigned: Jeff Jacquez

Commander Entering: Cpl. Fred Suazo

Location:  Santa Fe Ski Area, Santa Fe NM

On This date at about 10:25am it was reported that a 10 year old female was skiing with her family at the Santa Fe Ski Area. The female lost control fell down and slid into a group of trees. Ski Patrol and Paramedics arrived on scene but no signs of life could be found, due to massive head trauma. There were no signs of foul play and the incident appeared to be accidental. This incident is currently under investigation by the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office.