0208010856 DWI 12-19-08
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Deputy assigned: Bryan Peters
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: Agua Fria Rd. SFNM
Arrested: Sigfredo Quintana-Ponce 28yoa
On the above date, the defendant was stopped for speeding. Upon making contact, the defendant displyed signs of impairment and failed field tests. The defendant was arrested and had a BrAC of .12.
0208010878 DWI 12-21-08
Deputy Assigned: Brian Markley
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: US84-285 SFNM
Arrested: Mary Wachs 53yoa
On the above date, The above officer witnessed the defendant unable to maintain lane of traffic. After conducting a traffic stop, the defendant displayed signs of impairment. The defendant had a BrAC of .07 and was transported to the adult detention center.
0208010860 Shooting from a Motor Vehicle/Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon 12-20-08
Deputy Assigned: Gerald Lovato
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location Airport Rd SFNM
On the above date, officer was dispatched to St. Vincents Hospital regarding a female who had been shot with a firearm. Upon arrival officer learned that the victim and her friends were walking on Airport Rd. when they were approached by a couple male and female in a truck. They exchanged words and hte male driver shot at them striking the victim twice. The injuries were not life threatening. The victim denied that she knew who the suspects were. The investigation was taken over by CID.
0208010824 / Leaving the scene of an accident / 12-18-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Dave Clendenon
Commander enterin: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Camino Rojo - Santa Fe
Arrested: Aldo Garcia-Munoz - age 22 , Santa Fe
The above individual was involved in a motor vehicle crash and fled the scene on foot. He was later located and apprehended. He was additionally charged with careless driving, suspended license, no insurance, and unlawful use of a license. He was arrested and booked accordingly.
0208010816/ Larceny/ 12-18-08
Deputy Assigned: S. Baca
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: Avila Road
Stolen: Two small silver boxes and a lion figurine
Value: $1,600.00
Victim state that sometime between 12-10-08 and 12-16-08 someone had stolen the above items from his residence. The victim had several individuals in the residence while they were moving. This incident is currently under investigation.
0208010817/ Unlawful Taking of a Motor Vehicle/ 12-18-08
Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: Camino Mission Santa Fe, NM
Stolen: 1992 Isuzu Trooper NM KPF912 black in color
Value: $2,500.00
The victim reported that she was involved in a motor vehicle crash on Juan Medina Road. Victim stated that she left the vehicle overnite. When the victim's brother went to retrieve the vehicle it was gone. The vehicle was entered into the National Crime Intelligence Computer as a stolen vehicle.
0208010827/ Service of Documents/ 12-18-08
Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: Morning Drive and Agua Frian
Charge: Bench Warrant
Arrested: Laura Smith age: 32
On 12-18-08 the above individual was found to have an active warrant for her arrest. The warrant was for Failure to Appear. She was placed under arrest and booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.
0208010821/ Service of Documents/ 12-18-08
Deputy Assigned: J. Lucero
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriugez
Location: Airport Road- Santa Fe
Charges: Bench Warrant
Arrested: Jason Hena-Tapia age: 25
On 12-18-08 the above individual was found to have an active bench warrant for his arrest. The warrant was charging him with Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation. The warrant was signed by Judge Michael Vigil. The subject was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.
0208010826/ Service of Documents/ 12-18-08
Deputy Assigned: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Commander Entering: Corp.J. Rodriguez
Location: Airport Road- Santa Fe,NM
Charges: Bench Warrant
Arrested: Raymond Chavez age: 29
On 12-18-08 the above person was found to have an active arrest warrant out of District Court. The warrant was for Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation. The warrant was signed by Judge Michael Vigil. The subject was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.
0208010807 BURGLARY
Deputy Assigned: Jeff Jacquez
Commander entering: Cpl. Fred Suazo
Location NM SR 502 Pojoaque NM 87506
Victim reported that sometime between 8::00am on 12/17/2008 and 9:30am on 12/18/2008 some unknown person(s) broke the west side facing window on the old post office building. Victim stated it did not appear that anything was stolen at this time. Damage was done to an alarm box inside the building. This incident is currently under investigation.