0208010799 / Service of Documents / 12-18-08

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Deputy assigned: Deputy Dave Clendenon

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Airport Rd/NM 599 - Santa Fe

Arrested: Sonia Reynolds - age 29, Tesuque, NM

A traffic stop was conducted, at which point the above Deputy made contact with Ms. Reynolds. She was found to have an active arrest warrant out of the City of Santa Fe. She was arrested and booked accordingly.

0208010789/ Battery Upon a Household Member/ 12-17-08

Deputy Assigned: Leonard Martinez

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Sycamor Loop Santa Fe

Charges: Battery Upon a Household Member

Arrested: Juan Ruvalcaba- Montes  age: 31

On 12-17-08 Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to a Domestic Dispute. Upon our arrival contact was made with the above subject. It was learned that he twisted his wife's arm and attempted to choke her by grabbing her throat. The victim did have signs of visible injuries. The above individual was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.

0208010795/ Burglary/ 12-17-08

Deputy Assigned: K. Whyte

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Sunset Road, La Cienega

Stolen: Miscellaneous Jewelry, Miscellaneous Electronics

Value: $5,000

On 12-17-08 the victim reported that his residence was burlgarized between 8:15am and 7:30pm. The unknown suspect(s) kicked in the front door. Once inside the suspect(s) removed the above items. The items were valued in excess of $5,000.00. This case is currently under investigation.

0208010973/ Battery Upon a Household Member/12-17-08

Deputy Assigned: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Vereda de Valencia

Charge: Battery upon a Household Member

Arrested: Karina Bencomo-Marquez  age: 18

On 12-17-08 Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to a Domestic Dispute. Upon our arrival it was learned that the above individual had struck her boyfriend in the face with an open hand. The above subject was placed under arrest and booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.

0208010782/ D.W.I./ 12-17-08

Deputy Assigned: F. Trujillo

Commnder Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: W. Alameda and St. James Crest

Charges: D.W.I., Open Container, Careless Driving

Arrested: Jaime Erives-Chaparo age: 29

Subject was involved in a motor vehicle collision at said location. Upon making contact with the above subject. The driver admitted to driving the above mention pickup truck. Driver admitted to consuming 4 Corona beers. An open container of beer was found near the vehicle. Subject submitted to the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and showed signs of impairment. A breath test was done and the results were .11 and .12 BrAC. The driver was booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.

0208010794/ Possession of Controlled Substance/ 12-17-08

Deputy Assigned: B. Peters

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Airport Road and Camino Juliana

Arrested: Sigifredo Ordonez-Castillo- age: 18

Charges: Possession of a Controlled Substance to wit: Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphenalia, and Service Whyte

On 12-17-08 at approximately 2026-hours, a traffic stop was conducted on a Jeep Cherokee after it was observed failing to maintain it's lane of travel. Upon making contact with the above subject, he was found to be in possession of a pyrex pipe and a green leafy substance. The subject also had a warrant for his arrest out of Magistrate Court. The subject was placed under arrest and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center accordingly.

0208010765 BURGLARY

Deputy Assigned: Nathan Segura

Commander Entering: Cpl. Fred Suazo

Location: Cypress Street, Santa Fe NM

Itmes: 2 space heaters, 2 portable heaters, 20 cans blue spray paint, 1 lock, and 1 chain link gate.

Sometime between 12/16/08 at5:30pm and 12/17/2008 7:50am some unknown person(s) broke into the Cottonwood MHP maintenance shed and stole the above listed items valued at about $340.00. The suspects cut a chain link gate and pryed the lock off in order to gain access into the shed.

0208010767 BURGLARY

Deputy Assigned: Jeff Jacquez

Commander Entering: Cpl. Fred Suazo

Location: Mersades Court, Santa Fe NM 87506

Victim reported on this date that sometime between 11/22/08 and 12/17/08, some unknown person(s) entered his residence by unknown means and stole his .22 cal Cobra stainless still handgun valued at about $180.00. Victim stated that there were no signs of forced entry into his residence. The hand gun was entered in to NCIC. This incident is currently under investigation by the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office.

0208010739 Service of Documents (Remand/Release Order) 12/16/08

Deputy Assigned: Agt. G. Gonzales

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office, 35 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM 87508

Arrested: Raymond Ortiz Sr. (54 YOA) Calimo Court., Santa Fe, NM 87505

The above listed individual was booked and released from the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility on a Remand and Release Order issued by the 1st Judicial District Court. 

0208010713 Service of Documents (Warrant) 12/15/08

Deputy Assigned: Lt. K. Johnson

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility, 35 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM 87508 

Arrested: Michael Tabor (24 YOA) Vicksville Rd., Cerrillos NM, 87010

The above listed individual was incarcerated at the Santa Fe County Detention Facility. An Order of Remand was issued by the 1st Judicial District Court.  The remand order was served and he was re-booked into the facility.