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Deputy Assigned: J. Jacquez

Commander Entering:  Sgt. B. Encinias

Location of Incident: Camino Rio Chimayo  Chimayo, NM 87544

Supects/Arrested: Pending


Victim reported that on or about October 26, 2008 three checks belonging to the Dardnelles Foundation were taken from her residence.  The three checks were later fraudently issued and cashed in the amount of $1,025.  Suspect information is pending further investigation into this matter.   

0208010224 FRAUD

Deputy Assigned: David Bibb

Entered by: Cpl. Fred Suazo

Location: Cerrado Loop, Santa Fe, NM

 Victim reported that on 11/24/2008, an unknown suspect had fraudulently used her American Express card to purchase football tickets. It was brought to her attention by a company known as Stub Hub, that an unknown person attempted to purchase tickets to the 12/14/08 49ers/ Dolphins football game.

0208010216 / Distribution of controlled substance / 11-29-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Brian Markley

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: NM 14 - mm 44, Santa Fe, NM 87508

Arrested: Joe Forsyth - age 18, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Adrian Carrera Guillermo - age 18, Las Cruces

The above subjects were stopped in their vehicle at the above location for failing to maintain a lane. The Deputy making contact with them smelled the odor of marijuana from inside the vehicle and investigated the matter further. The subjects consented to their vehicle being searched and the Deputy located other items of controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, and weapons. Both subjects were placed under arrest and booked accordingly.

0208010222 / DWI / 11-30-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Brian Peters

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: US 84/285 - mm 175, Tesuque, NM

Arrested: Darryl Starkes - age 24, Sante Fe, NM

The above driver was stopped after his vehicle was reported by another driver as driving reckless. The above driver displayed signs of impairment and a subsequent breath test showed his BrAC to be .10 and .09. He was placed under arrest and booked into ADC accordingly.


0208010221 / Burglary / 11-29-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Gerald Lovato

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: 3229 Rodeo Road, Santa Fe, NM

Victim reports his vehicle was broken into during a party. The back window was shattered and several items taken from inside. During the investigation, Deputies made contact with two juvenile males who admitted to commiting the burglary. The stolen property was recovered and returned to the owner. The juveniles were released to their parents and the report forwarded to the juvenile probation office.

0208010226, Battery Against a Household Member, 11/30/08

Deputy Assigned: K. Whyte

Commander Entering: Sgt. M. Post

Location:  Entrada Enrique         Santa Fe

Suspect: Zackary Trevizo      Age: 21      Santa Fe

Zackary Trevizo was arrested for battering a Household member after deputies responded to his home for a domestic dispute.  Victim stated suspect threatened and pushed her.      

0208010190/ Battery Against a Household Member/ 11-29-08

Deputy Assigned: K. Whyte

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: North Trail, Edgewood, NM

Charges: Battery Agaisnt a Household Member

Arrested: Kirtstie Sones  age: 18

Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to a Domestic Dispute. Contact was made with the victim and above listed arrestee. Victim reported that her sister had jumped on her and began to scratch her face, causing injury. Arestee was transported to the Santa Fe County Jail and booked accordingly.

0208010213/ Agg. Battery against a Household Member/ 11-29-08

Deputy Assigned: F. Trujillo

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Casitas Mobile Home Park- Santa Fe

Charges: Pending

Suspect: Pending

Victim reported that he was invited to his ex-girlfriends home to drink beer. After several hours of consuming alcohol, the suspect asked the victim if he was seeing another woman. Said victim stated he was. The suspect grabbed a full bottle of beer and struck the victim in the right eye, which caused swelling and bruising. The victim was transported to St. Vincent's Hospital to be checked.

02080010218/ Burglary- Auto/ 11-29-08

Deputy Assigned: F. Trujillo

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Placita Real Lp. Santa Fe, NM

Stolen: Black purse containing victims driver's license, credit cards, and a gold necklace

Value: $500.00

Victim reported that she had left her purse in her vehicle over night. The vehicle appeared to have been unlocked during this period do to no damage being caused to the vehicle. The unknown supsect(s) removed the above mentioned items from the vehicle.


Deputy Assigned: David Bibb

Entered by: Cpl. Fred Suazo

Location: Cibola Circle, Santa Fe NM

On November 29, 2008 at 8:09am, it was reported that the reporting party went to wake his 72 year old wife, and found that she had no signs of life. Victim had an extensive medical history. Paramedics from the Hondo Hills Fire District had checked for vital signs and none were found. There were no signs of foul play and it appeared to be of natural causes.