0208010047 Agg. Assault

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Deputy Assigned: Jeff Jacquez

Commander Entering: Cpl. Fred Suazo

Location: Camino Juliana (Ceder Creek Apts.) Santa Fe NM

Victims reported that sometime around 3:00am on 11-22-08 an unknown person entered the victims apartment with a handgun. The suspect pointed the gun at the victims and asked for his wife, who used to live in the same appartment. The victims said they fled the apartment and the suspect shot twice at them, and the bullets struck the east wall and entered the neighboring apartment. The victims identified the suspect as the previous male tenant, who has been deceased since May 2008. No other suspects were located at this time.

0208010058 Poss of Controlled Substance 11/22/08

Commander Entering: Lt. Jeremy Garcia  Deputy Assigned:  Deputy JB Nissen

Location:  SR 344 (Edgewood)    Arrested: Robert Hudson DOB: 12/25/65 Charge: Poss of controled substance

Above susbject was arrested by virtue of a outstanding warrant.  During investigation, several grams of suspected meth was found in his possession.

0208010054 Identity Theft 11/22/08

Commander Entering: Lt. Jeremy Garcia  Deputy Assigned: Deputy JB Nissen

Location:  Via La Puerta

Victim reported that her identity had been used to obtain a credit card.  This occurred back in Januaury of 2007.

0208010053 Battery 11/22/08

Commander Entering: Lt. Jeremy Garcia  Deputy Assigned: Deputy JB Nissen

Location:  Route 66  (Edgewood) 

Victim involved in a domestic argument.  During this argument huband battered wife.

0208010043 / Burglary / 11-22-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Marvin Jaramillo

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Country Club Road

On 11/22/08, at about 2:01am, deputies responded to an activated alarm at the above business location. Suspects gained entry by breaking a window, but nothing was stolen from inside. The inside of the managers office had several files that were ransacked. Any suspects or potential witnesses have not been identified at this time.

02080010045 / Burglary / 11-22-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Ted Padilla

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Fireplace Road, Santa Fe, NM

Sometime on 11/22/08, suspects gained entry to the above business location by throwing a rock through a window. The suspects stole a 42" flat screen television from inside. The suspects or any potential witnesses have not been identified.

0208010085 Aggravatted Battery

Deputy assigned: Marvyn Jaramillo

Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego

Location of incident: 4108 Cheyene Cr

Suspect: 2 hispanic males early 20's

Victim: 20 yr old male

Charges: pending

On 11/23/08, 0230 HRS/AM, victim was at a small party, and was "jumped" by 2 unknown males. One of the suspects pulled out a small dagger type knife and stabbed/cut the victim on the right upper leg, and right hand(palm). Victim also sustained numerous cuts/bruises to his face/head area. Victim was transported by paramedics to St. Vincent ER for treatment. Injuries are not life threatening. Investigation continues.

02080100061 Criminal Sexual Penetration

Deputy assigned: Moises Pena

Commander entering:Sgt. Ernest Borrego

Location of incident: La Cienega Area

Victim: 14  yr old female

Suspect: unknown male

On 11/23/08, 0136HRS/AM, Deputy responded to St, Vincent ER, in reference to a sexual assault. The victim claims that she was at a party at some unknown residence in La Cienega area and laid down in a bedroom, because she became too intoxicated. An unknown male forced himself upon her and allegededly raped her. Investigation continues.

0208010064Possession of a controlled substance

Deputy assigned: Marvyn Jaramillo

Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego

Location of incident: Santa Fe County Detention Center-4312 NM14

Suspect: John Sanchez, Alcalde, NM age 

Charges: Pending

On 11/23/08, 0118HRS/AM, corrections officers  conducted a search of inmate, and located suspected marijuana,heroin, cocaine and syringe on inmates person. Reported refered to DA's Office, pending lab results on drugs

02080010042 / Agg DWI / 11-22-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Shannon Coles

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: NM 599, mm 9, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Orlando Medina - age 22, Santa Fe, NM

At about 12:10am, the above driver was stopped for failing to maintain a lane. When deputies made contact with him, he displayed signes of impairment and was place under arrest. He refused a breath test and was booked and charged accordingly.