0208010044 / Agg Burglary - Agg Battery with a deadly weapon / 11-21-08
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Deputy assigned: Deputy Gerald Lovato
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Calle Inez, Santa Fe, NM
The victims (boyfriend and girlfriend) reported that they were sleeping and heard a knock on the door. The girlfriend went to check and the door was forced open. Two males entered the residence, one who forced her to the ground and the other who attacked the boyfriend with a knife. The boyfriend was stabbed multiple times in the head, stomach, and back. Both suspects fled the residence. The victim's drove to the hospital on their own, at which point the hospital notified law enforcement of the incident. The boyfriend was treated and released. His injuries were not life threatening. The victim's did not recognized either suspect and did not get a good look at them. This incident was turned over to the Criminal Investigation Division for investigation.
0208010028/ D.W.I./ 11-21-2008
Deputy Assigned: M. Martinez
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: Cerrillos Road and West Frontage
Charges: D.W.I. and Careless Driving
Arrested: Michael Hart age: 36
Driving was observed operating a yellow in color GMC truck on Cerrillos Road. The vehicle was observed almost stiking a support beam to the bridge under I-25. The vehicle was stopped and the driver was found to be impaired. The driver was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital for a blood draw after the NM Implied Consent was read. The driver was subsequently booked into the Santa Fe County Jail accordingly.
0208010030/ Burglary/ 11-21-2008
Deputy Assigned: Stephanie Baca
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: Calle Contando- Santa Fe, NM
Stolen: Sharp 19" flat screen tv
Value: $600.00
The housesitter reported that he received multiple alarms at the above residence. He was last at the residence at about 3:00pm and was notified of alarms at 4:19pm. Upon arriving at the residence he found the front door to have been kicked in. The unknown suspect(s) removed the above items. This case is currently under investigation.
02080010009 Burglary 11-20-08
Deputy Assigned: Ray Villanueva
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: 3000 Block of State Rd. 41, Galesteo, NM
On the above date, the above named officer responded to the above location regarding a residential burglary investigation. Upon speaking with the victim, he advised that when arrived home, he noticed a broken window to the residence. After cleaning upon he discopvered that unknown suspect(s) stole a Ninetendo WII and three games to it. The property was valued at $475.00.
Case: 0208010004 / Burglary / Date: 11-20-08
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Vanessa Hayes
Commander Entering: Lt. Dennis O'Brien
Location: Old Agua Fria / End of St. Francis Drive
Stolen: Vizio 42" Flat Screen TV, Dell Laptop, 2-Birth Certificates
The victim reported that sometime between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, someone kicked-in the side door to the residence and stole above listed items. The case is under investigation.
Case #0208009996 / Aggravated Assault / Date: 11-20-08
Deputy Assigned: Solomon Romero
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: North Sierra Place
Suspect: On File
Victim: 35 yoa male
The victim reported that while he was working on his vehicle, the male suspect drove by him and brandished what appeared to be a handgun at the victim. The suspect then drove away. The case is under investigation.
0208009992 Larceny 11-20-08
Deputy Assigned:Donald Romero
Commander Entering: Sgt Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident: Airport Rd.
On the above date the victim reported that someone stole the license plate off his 1994 Buick Rivera. The license plate stolen was identified as New Mexico License Plate JBL-871.
0208009995 Unattended Death 11-20-08
Deputy Assigned:Donald Romero
Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident: Lamy Train Station / Lamy
Deceased: Pending Family Notification
On the above date the victim was on a Amtrak Trian bound to Kansas City. The train attendent checked on the victim in Alburqueque NM and she appeared to be fine. Ten minutes before arriving in Lamy the train attendent checked on her again and she was unresponsive. Medical personnel were called to the scene and determined that the victim had passed away. There were no signs of foul play.
0208009983 Burglary 11-20-08
Deputy Assigned: Dan Garcia
Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident:Airport Rd.
Suspect: Pending
On the above date the victim reported that someone had broke into his business at the above location by breaking a window to gain entry. Once inside the suspect rummaged through some drawers but it appeared that nothing was taken.
0208009993 Abandonment Or Abuse Of A Child 11-20-08
Deputy Assigned: Dan Garcia
Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident: La Cumbre Lane
Suspect: Pending
On the above date CYFD requested that a Deputy meet them at a couple of the Santa Fe public schools reference to a possible child abuse case. After an investigation was conducted it was determined that the father who had anger issues had struck one of the chidren with a alunimun foil package on the head when he threatened to call the police because the father was yelling at him and his sister.