0208009991 Burglary 11-20-08
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Deputy Assigned: Cpl. Rich Sisneros
Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident: Mesa Encantado / State Rd 592
Suspect: Pending
On the above date deputies responded to an activated alarm at the above location. Upon thier arrival contact was made with the home owner who advised that someone had broke in to the residence. Nothing appeared to be missing.
0208009989 Larceny 11-20-08
Deputy Assigned: Phil Lahargoue
Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident: Santa Fe Community College
Suspect: Pending
On the above date the victim reported that while she was in class at the above location she stepped out for awhile and left her purse and a camera there in the classroom. When she returned her purse and camera were gone.
0208009978 Fugitive From Justice 11-20-08
Deputy Assigned: Chris Archuleta
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: Madrid, NM
Arrested: Randy Hilliard 21yoa
On the above date, the above defendant called the sheriff's Dispatch advising that he was wanted out of the State of Texas and wanted to turn himself in to athorities. Dispatch confirmed the warrant and the above officer arrested him. The defendant was transported an booked accordingly.
Case 0209009976 / Aggravated DWI / 11-19-2008
Officer assigned: Sgt. Clifton Coleman
Commander entering: Sgt. Clifton Coleman
Location: Agua Fria - Jemez Road area
Arrested: Terrence J. Romero, 36 yoa male
Charge: Aggravated DWI, roadways laned for traffic, proof of insurance and open container
On this date suspect was observed west bound on Agua Fria stricking the curb of the roadway. Suspect was stopped and found to be intoxicated. Suspect refused breath test. Suspect was found not to have insurance and was in possession of an open conatiner of alcohol. Suspect was arrested and taken to the Adult Detention Center without incident.
Case 0208009975 / Fraud / 11-19-2008
Officer Assigned: Deputy Julie York
Commander entering: Sgt. Clifton Coleman
location: 2900 block of Calle Vera Cruz / Richards Road Area
Suspect: pending
Charges; pending
On this date victim reported that some mail was stolen out of his mail box, seven days ago. Victim stated that in the last seven days unknown person had charged about $900.00 to his credit cards and checking account. Case was referred to Investigation and is pending.
Deputy Assigned: D. Romero
Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros
Location of Incident: Calle Enrique Santa Fe, NM 87507
Suspect(s)/Arrested: Pending
Victim reported that sometime between Nov. 17, 2008 and Nov. 19, 2008 forced entry was gained into his residence and a 42" flat screen television valued at $1,400 was stolen. No suspect or witness information is available at this time.
CASE# 0208009927 Service of Documents - Warrant
Deputy Assigned: Sergeant Joe McLaughlin
Commander Entering: Sergeant Joe McLaughlin
Location: Avenida Frijoles at the SR 599 W. Frontage Road
Vehicle: White, 1994, GMC, pick -up
Suspect: Richie Chavez, 35, Santa Fe, NM
Charged: Warrant - Failure to Appear
On 11-18-2008 at 6:43 AM, the suspect was observed operating the vehicle at the location with an expuired registration. It was revealed that the suspect's New Mexico driver's license is also suspended. It was further revealed that on 8-12-2008, Santa Fe Municipal Judge Ann Yalman issued a warrant for the suspect's arrest for Failure to Appear.
0208009962 Battery Against a Household Member 11-19-08
Deputy Assigned: Tracy Baca
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Locaton: Sunset Canyon Rd. SFNM
Arrested: Jaman Trancosa 31yoa
On the above date, officers responded to the above location regarding a violent domestic in progress. Upon arrival the victim was located locked in the upstairs bathroom. A search of the residence did not result in locatiog the defendant. The search was expanded to include a neighboring home under construction where the defendant was located and arrested for battery against a household member. He was transported and booked accordingly at the adult detention center.
Case #:0208009960 / Robbery / Date: 11-18-2009
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Eddie Webb Jr.
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Big Tesuque Camp Ground Parking Area / State Road 475 - Tesuque
Victim: 24 yoa male
Suspects: 3 Hispanic Males armed with a Shotgun
Stolen: Victim's Wallet containing a credit card, debit card, passport, id and other miscellaneous items.
The victim reported that he was at Big Tesuque Campground at his camp site, when an older model white car stopped at his location. One hispanic male then waved at him and asked to borrow a flashlight because they were having car trouble. The victim stated that as he was attempting to provide them with a flashlight, a second hispanic male then produced a shotgun. This male then ordered the victim to the ground while his wallet and cell phone were stolen. The victim was then made to walk behind a wooden structure and again ordered to the floor. The suspects then told the victim to count to 100 and struck him with the stock of the rifle on the back of his head. The suspects then shattered the windows on the victim's truck and slashed the vehicle's tires prior to driving off in an older model white car. The victim received minor injuries and the case is under investigation.
Case: 0208009955 / Forgery / 11-18-2008
Officer assigned: Deputy Vanessa Hayes
Commander entering: Sgt. Clifton L. Coleman
Location: 100 block of Avalon Place / ElDorado area
Arrested / Suspect: pending
Charges: pending
On this date victim reported she had received information from her bank that someone was using her bank accout. Suspects were using a check machine to make checks in the amount totaling more than $1400.00 and cashing them. Case is under invesitagation at this time.