case:  0208009958 / Service of Documents / 11-18-2008

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Deputy Assigned:  Deputy Eddie Webb

Commander assigned:  Sgt. Clifton Coleman

location:  4200 block of Airport Road - Cerriols Road area

Arrested:  Angelo Tinoco, 23 yoa male

Charges:  Failure to comply

On this date suspect was located by deputy and taken into custody with out incident and taken to the Adult Detention Center.  Suspect had a warrant for his arrest out of District Court here in Santa Fe.


CASE:  0208009954 / CRIMINAL TRESPASS - WARRANT / 11-18-2008






On this date victim called and reported that the suspect was living in her house without her permission.  Victim reported her house is for sale and she had to leave the state for medical reasons and suspect was to lock up her house for her, but instead he moved in.  Suspect was located inside of the house when deputies arrived.  Suspect was arrested for trespassing and later in the invesitgation suspect was found to have a warrant for his arrest out of Torrance County.  Suspect was taken to the Adult Detention Center with out incident.

0208009947 Burglary 11-18-08

Deputy Assigned: Andrew Quintana

Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident: Old Agua Fria Rd. / Old Pecos Trail

Suspect: Pending

On the above date deputies responded to an activated alarm at the above location. Upon arrival the deputy found a broken kitchen window whetre the suspect had gained entry. The owners of the property also showed up and stated that nothing appeared to be missing.

0208009913 Burglary 11-17-08

Deputy Assigned: Nathan Segura

Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias

 Location Of Incident: Airport Rd.

Suspect: Pending

 On the above date the Victim reported that someone had broke into his utility trailer at a construction site and stole a MBW Ground Tamper valued at $2,800.00.

0208009924 / Burglary / 11-17-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Gerald Lovato

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Cedar Creek Apartments, Santa Fe, NM

The victim reports that someone entered his vehicle between 7:15pm and 9:30pm through the passenger side door by shattering the window. A CD player was stolen from inside with an estimated value of $300.00. No suspects or witnesses have been identified.

0208009923 / Shooting at or from a motor vehicle / 11-17-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Moises Pena

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Callejon de Rita, Santa Fe, NM

Victim reported that at about 9:48pm, on 11-17-08, she heard a gun shot. She checked outside her residence and found that her vehicle had been shot. Deputies responded and the initial investigation showed a shotgun was fired at the victim's vehicle and the projectiles (bird shot) struck the vehicle and the residence. No one was injured from the shot and the case is being forwarded to the Criminal Investigation Division for review. No positive identification of a suspect or vehicle has been made.

0208009918, Warrant Arrest, 11/17/08

Deputy Assigned: B. Markley

Commander Entering: Sgt. M.Post

Location: Paseo de Sol/Airport Road

Suspect: Eulogio Chavez-Chacon     Age: 25  Santa Fe

Chavez-Chacon was arrested for an outstanding Bench Warrant after being stopped for a traffic Violation.

0208009896 Larceny

Deputy Assigned: David Bibb

Commander Entering: Cpl. Fred Suazo

Location: Hidalgo Court, Santa Fe NM

Items: 20 1oz gold coins

Victim reported that between 10/11/08 and 11/13/08 while a friend was house sitting for victim at the above location, victime believes that 20 gold coins were stolen from the residence.

0208009900, Warrant Arrest, 11/16/08

Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez

Commander Entering: Sgt. M. Post

Location:  Airport Road/NM 599

Suspect: Sergio Gandara  Age: 31  Santa Fe

Sergio Gardana was arrested for an outstanding Santa Fe Municipal Bench Warrant after being stopped for speeding.

0208009903, Aggravated Assault w/Deadly Weapon, Crim. Damage to Prop., Concealing I.D., 11/16/08

Deputy Assigned: K. Whyte

Commander Entering: Sgt. M. Post

Location: 1205 Calle Corrazi     Santa Fe

Suspect: Jose Manuel Quintero   Age:31     Santa Fe

Jose Quintero was apprehended after fleeing from Calle Corrazi where he assaulted a man with a screwdriver, purposely drove his vehicle into the back of victim's wife's vehicle and gave a ficticious name to arresting officers.