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Deputy Assigned:  A. Quintana

Commander Entering: R. Sisneros

Location of Incident:  Calle De Quequido  Santa Fe, NM 87507




Deputy Assigned: D. Romero

Commander Entering: R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: Cerro Del Alamo  Santa Fe, NM 87507

Suspect(s)/Arrested: Pending


Victim reported that between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 P.M. on 11-4-08 unknown person(s) forced entry into his residence and stole two flat screen TV's valued at $1,000 each.  No witnesses or suspects at this time. 


0208009566/Aggravated DWI/ 11-3-08

Deputy Assigned: J.B. Nissen

Commander Entering: Sgt. B. Encinias

Location of Incident: State Road 14 / County Road 42  Santa Fe, NM

Suspect/Arrested:  Danica Quintana(28-years-old) #19 Southern Exposure  Santa Fe, 



On 11-3-08 at approximately 12:00 P.M. a traffic stop was made with a blue Ford Ranger pickup being operated by the above suspect.  The vehicle was detected traveling 72 mph in a 55 mph zone.  The above suspect was found to be intoxicated and placed into custody.  Suspect provided a breath test in which the results were .19, .17.  The suspects drivers license was also suspended and an open container of an alcoholic beverage was located in the vehicle.  Suspect was booked on the charges of Agg. DWI, Speeding, Driving while license is suspended and open container.    


Deputy Assigned: J.B.Nissen

Commander Entering: Sgt. B. Encinias

Location of Incident: County Road 42  Santa Fe, NM

Suspects/Arrested:  Pending


Victim reported that at approximately 10;40 A.M. (11-3-08) he arrived home and observed a vehicle unknown to him in his driveway.  As he approached the vehicle serveral unknown male subjects ran out of his residence entered into the vehicle and fled the area.  I was discoved that forced entry had been made into the residence and 2 LCD TV's had been stolen.  No witnesses or suspects at this time.   

0208009587 / Burglary / 11-3-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Moises Pena

Commander enterin: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Hampton Road

Victim reported that on 11-3-08, between 0700 and 2100 hours, his residence was burglarized. A lap top computer was stolen from inside. Entry was made by forcing the front door open. No suspects or witnesses are known at this time.

0208009575, Warrant Arrest, 11/3/08

Deputy Assigned: K. Whyte

Commander Entering: Sgt. M. Post

Location: Santa Fe County Electronic Monitoring

Suspect: Frank Sandoval  Age: 44   Albuquerque

Frank Sandoval was arrested at the Santa Fe County Electronic Monitoring Program for failing to comply with conditions of release.


0208009581, Warrant Arrest, 11/3/08

Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez

Commander Entering: Sgt. M. Post

Location: Calle Lucia  Santa Fe

Suspect: Alfred Serena  Age: 18  Santa Fe

Alfred Serena was arrested on an outstanding Municipal Bench Warrant out of Santa Fe after a traffic stop that was the result of reported Criminal Damage to property case.

0208009577,Aggravated Burglary, 11/03/08

Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez

Commander Entering: Sgt. M.Post

Location: Bisbee Court  Santa Fe

Suspect: Pending

Victim reports vehicle was left unlocked and was entered between 10/31/08 and this date.  A 9mm handgun was taken along with a set of golf clubs and some jewelry.  Case is under investigation.  Firearm was entered into NCIC.

0208009585, Auto Burglary, 11/03/08

Deputy Assigned: K. Whyte

Commander Entering: Sgt. M. Post

Location: Haroldsville Road    Santa Fe

Suspect: Pending

victim reports vehicle was entered through unlocked rear slider window and car stereo, amplifier and cell phone were taken.  Case is under investigation.

0208009530 Suicide

Deputy Assigned: Donald Romero

Commande Entering: Cpl. Fred Suazo

Location: Corral Blanco, Santa Fe, NM

Subject : 86 Year Old male subject.

On 11/03/08 at about 6:10am deputies responded to the above area in reference to a suicide. upon arrival deputies located a deceased 86 year old male subject with what appeared to be a self inflicted wound. This incident is currently under investigation by the Sheriff's Department.