0208009378 Unlawful Taking Of A Motor Vehicle

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Deputy Assigned: Dan Garcia

Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident: Greigo Hill

Suspect: Pending

On the above date the victim reported that someone stole his Yamaha dirt bike from the back of his vehicle at the above location. The motorcycle was entered into N.C.I C..

0208009345 Burglary 10-27-08

Deputy Assigned: Donald Romero

Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident: Camino Azul

 Suspect: Pending

On the above date the victim reported that someone entered to his garage and stole several power tools valued at $4,200.00 dollars.

0208009334 Burglary 10-27-08

Deputy Assigned: Jeffrey Jacquez

Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident: State Rd. 503 / Chimayo

 Suspect: Pending

 On the above date the victim reported that someone forced entry to her residence by prying open the back door. Stolen from inside the residence was a key and $200 dollars in currency.

0208009355/ Burglary/ 10-27-08

Deputy Assigned: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Hyde Park Road

Suspect(S): Pending

Stolen: Owner's Manuel to the vehicle

Victim stated that she arrived at the trailhead at about 5:45pm and went for a walk. She arrived back at the trailhead at about 6:40pm, to find that her vehicle was burglarized. The suspects had broken the front passenger and driver side windows. Once inside the above item was taken. The unknown suspects also punctured all four tires on the vehicle. This case is under investigation.


0208009352/ Burglary/ 10-27-2008

Deputy Assigned: S. Baca

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Emilia Court- Santa Fe

Stolen: Miscellaneous CD's and video games, A Sony Playstation, and a HP Scanner

Value: Pending

Victim stated he was away from the residence from 0745 hours and 1620 hours on 10-27-08. Victim stated that he arrived home and found the back window broken out with a large rock. Once inside the suspects stole the above items.

0208009349/ Burglary/ 10-27-2008

Deputy Assigned: S. Baca

Commander entering: Corp. J, Rodriguez

Location: Arroyo Peceno- Tesuque

Stolen: Television and two laptops

Value: Pending

Victim stated that someone had broken into the residence by breaking out a glass window in the rear of the residence. Once inside the suspects stole the above items. The incident occurred between 0730 and 1545 hours. Suspects and Charges are pending.

0208009354/ Robbery/ 10-27-2008

Deputy Assigned: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez

Location: Hyde Park Road

Stolen: Wallet containing Debit cards, money, I-Pod, Cell Phone

Value: Pending

Victim reported that he stopped at the campground to use the restroom. Upon exiting the restroom he was confronted by a male individual who was pointing a handgun at him. The male subject then proceeded to take the victims wallet. Two other individuals who were with the male subject, had punctured the tires on the victims vehicle. The suspects had also removed the above items from the vehicle. The suspects left in a black in color vehicle. This case is currently under investigation.

0208009312 Unlawful taking of a vehicle

Deputy Assigned: J.B. Nissan

Commander entering: Cpl Fred Suazo

Location: Eliza Court,  Santa Fe NM

Vehicle :1993 red Big Tex Utility Trailer

Between the dates of 09/25/2008 and the current date and individual identified as Joe Martinez went to the residence of 39 Eliza Ct. and removed a red in color Big Tex Utility trailer without the owners permission while the owner was not at the residence. In order to remove the trailer with out confrontation Martinez told a worker that he had already bought the trailer. The trailer was valued at about $1100.00.

0208009310 Burglary

Deputy Assigned: Nathan Segura

Commander Entering: Cpl. Fred Suazo

Location: Evergreen Lane (La Puebla) Santa Fe NM

Items: Electric Guitar & Amp, Acoustic Guitar, gold pin

Victim reported that sometime over the last two weeks the above items had been stolen from the residence. Victim stated there were no signs of force entry. The items stolen were valued at about $450.00. This incident is currently under unvestigation by the Sheriff's Office.