0208009308 Burglary / B&E
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Deputy Assigned: Jef Jacquez
Commander Entering: Cpl. Fred Suazo
Location: Enrique Drive, Santa Fe NM 87506
Arrested: Amiel Lopez 48 years old, Santa Fe NM
On 10/26/08 deputies responded to the above address in reference to a breaking and entering, and the suspect was detained. Upon deputies arrival the above suspect was arrested and booked into the santa fe county jail.
0208009324 / Burglary / 10-26-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Gerald Lovato
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Lopez Lane, Santa Fe
Victim reports someone entered his residence between 5:00pm and 10:20pm and stole his flat screen television. His residence was unlocked at the time and there was no forced entry. No suspects or witnesses are known at this time.
0208009325 / DWI / 10-27-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Brian Peters
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: St. Francis Road/Sawmill Road
Arrested: Patricia Martinez - age 40, Albuquerque, NM
The above subject was involved in a motor vehicle crash at the above location. The driver showed signs of impairment and had an open container of alcoholic beverage in the vehicle. She was arrested and a subsequent breath test showed her BrAC was .15 and .14. The driver was booked into ADC.
0208009304 Aggravated DWI/Speeding
Deputy assigned: Shannon Coles
Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego
Location of incident: I-25 MM 271
Suspect/arrested: Felix Chavez, 27 Bluewater Pl Sandia Pueblo, NM age 49
Charges: Speeding , Aggravated DWI
oN 10/25/08, 2303HRS/1103pm, suspect was driving a 1997 Pontiac Trans AM and was stopped for speeding. The driver showed signs of impairment, and was arrested after failing field sobriety tests. Driver breath test was .22/.22, Charged and booked accordingly.
0208009303 Warrant Service
Deputy assigned: Brian Peters
Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego
Location of incident: CR 56/NM599
Suspect/Arrested: Valarie Gonzales, Santa Cruz,NM age 21
Charges: Driving while license Suspended or Revoked, Roadways laned for Traffic, No Registration, No proof of Insurance, City of Santa Fe Municipal Court Bench Warrant for Failure to appear
On 10/25/08, 2305hrs/1105pm, a traffic stop was conducted on a 1993 Subaru SW, bearing NM 559 -NDM, and the suspect driver was arrested, charged, and booked accordingly.
0208009316/ Burglary/ 10-25-08
Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez
Commander Entering: Corp. J.Rodriguez
Location: Avenida del Sur/ Richards Av.
Stolen: Briefcase
Value: $50.00
Victim went walking on a bike path and upon returning found his vehicle's passenger window broken out. Victim stated that the suspect looked throught the vehicle.Victim stated that the only thing missing was the briefcase.
0208009321/ Burglary/ 10-26-08
Deputy Assigned: F. Trujillo
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location:Morning Drive
Stolen: 3 Winter Jackets
Value: $100.00
Victim stated that she drove to the storage unit, and upon arriving at her storage unit she noticed that the lock had been cut. The victim stated that it also appeared that several boxes were missing. The victim could only identify the jackets were missing.
0208009285/ Burlgary/ 10-25-2008
Deputy Assigned: R.J. Clark
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: Principe de Paz
Stolen: Misc. Power Tools
Value: $1,003.00
Victim reported that someone stole several power tools from his garage. There were no signs forced entry into the garage. Victim believes that individuals working on an adjacent residence may have been involved.
0208009299/ Burglary/ 10-25-08
Deputy Assigned: F. Trujillo
Commnder Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: SR599/ Airport Rd.
Charges: Pending
Suspect: Pending
Victim reported that he left his vehicle at the above location after it broke down. The victim returned at about 6:00pm, and found that someone had tried to take the vehicle. However, the person(s) did take Rockford Fosgate amp, Kenwood CD player, and 2 Punch speakers.
0208009296/ Unlawful Taking of a Motor Vehicle/ 10-25-08
Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez
Commander Entering: Corp. J. Rodriguez
Location: Interstate 25 mile marker 194 (Canoncito)
Suspect: Pending
On 10-25-2008 the victim reported his 2003 Chevy Tahoe stolen from the above location: The vehicle was bearing CO license plate 279IZP. The vehicle was described as tan in color with after market tailpipes. The victim left the vehicle at this location for a short period of time as he went to pick pinon. The vehicle was entered into the National Crime Intelligence Computer.