0208009107 Aggravted Assault with a Deadly Weapon 10-19-08

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Deputy Assigned: Brian Peters

Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Location: Buckman Rd. SFNM

Arrested: Martin Flores 24yoa

On the above date, officers responded to an apparent road rage incident involving the defendant.  The victim advised that the defendant attempted to ram him with his vehicle as he tried to escape or lose him.  While the defendant attempted to ram him, he hit another vehicle and fled the scene.  This caused the victim to crash his vehcile at which point the defendant attacked the victim punching him serveral times with a closed fist.  Upon officer's arrival the defendant was very combative with officers and had to be forcibly restrained.  The defendant showed several signs of being impaired and refused a breath test.  The defendant also had his 4 year old son with him during the entire incident and also had an active arrest warrant.  He was transported and booked accordingly at the Adult Detention Center.

Case:  #0208009107 / aggravated assult with a deadly weapon, Aggravated DWI, Abuse of a Child, Reckless Driving, Leaving a Motor

Location Buckman Road / Camino La Tierra area

Officer Assigned:  Deputy Eddie Webb

Arrested:  Martin Flores 24 yoa male and Crystal Sandoval 26 yoa female

Charges: Aggravated Assult With a Deadly Weapon, Aggravated DWI, Abuse of a Child, Reckless Driving, Leaving a Motor Vehicle Crash, 2 counts of Resisting an Officer, 2 counts of Battery, Assault on a Peace Officer, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia,Possession of Marijuana <1 Ounce

On this date victim reported he was being chased by suspects listed above after a driving altercation on Buckman Road.  Suspects chased victims into Santa Fe and on the way the suspects struck another vehicle causing damage to it and left the area to chase victim some more.  Victim lost control of his vehicle stricking a wall in the 700 block of West Manhattan Street, where the suspect, Martin Flores attacked him and started hitting him.  Crystal Sandoval then attacked passenger in victims vehicle, hitting her.  Police arrived and Martin refused to comply with them and tryed to fight one officer.  Martin was found to be intoxicated and refused New Mexico Implie Consent.  Crystal was found to be intoxicated and in possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.  Martin had his 4 yoa son in the vehicle at the time of this incident.  Martin and Crystal was transported to the Adult Detention Center and charged with the above listed charges.  The child was turned over to family members.

Case #0208009110 / AGGRAVATED BATTERY / 10-19-2008





On this date victim was found on his floor bleeding by his room mate.  Victim had been hit with a possible bat.  Victim stated 2 males jumped him in the darkness of the parking lot then fleed the area.  Case under investigation at this time

0208009090 Child Indangerment 10-18-08

Deoputy Assigned: Tracy Baca

Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Location: US 84-285 Arroyo Seco NM

Arrested: Dustin Schwan 24yoa

On the above date the above officer was dispatched to a motor vehicle crash at the above location.  Upon arrival it ws learned that the defendant was a passenger of a vehcle and attempt to cause the driver to crash, which she sis stricking another vehicle.  Also in the vehicle was a 4 year old child.  The defendant's actions indangered the welfare of the child and he was arrested and booked at the adult detention center.

0208009091 Aggravated DWI 10-18-08

Deputy assigned: David Clendinin

Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Location: Rodeo Rd SFNM

Arrested: Ruben Lopez 36yoa

On the above date, the defendant was witnessed making an illegal U-turn and stricking a curb.  Upon making contact, the defendant displayed signs of impairment and failed FSST's.  The defednatn later refused to submit to a breath test and was booked accordingly at the Adult Detention Center.

0208009092 Burglary 10-18-08

Deputy Assigned: Chris Archuleta

Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Location: 3900 Block of Camino Juliana SFNM

On the above date, the above named officer responded to the above location regarding a residntial burglary.  Upon speaking with the victim, he advised that he was checking on his brother's apartment which had been vacant since October 17th.  Upon his arrival, he noticed that it had been burglarized by unknown suspects.  Suspects stole a 37" flat screen plasma TV valued at $1,500.00.  No witnesses were located.

0208009071 Unlawful Taking Of A Motor Vehicle 10-18-08

Deputy Assigned: Dan Garcia

Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident: Plaza La Prensa

Suspect: Pending

On the above date the victim reported that someone stole a John Deere tractor from his construction site. There are no suspects at this time and the tractor will be entered in to N.C.I.C. as stolen.

0208009072 Criminal Damage To Property 10-18-08

Deputy Assigned: Donald Romero

Commander Entering: Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident: San Felipe Road

Suspect: Pending

On the above date the victim reported that someone had slashed all the tires to his trailers at the above location where the trailers were stored. Damage was estimated at $1,600.00 by the victim.

0208009049/Criminal Sexual Penetration/10-17-2008

Deputy Assigned: D. Romero

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident:  Santa Fe County

 Suspect/Arrested: Pending


Victim reported that sometime during the later part of August 2008 or the early part of September 2008 her spouse physically forced her to engage in sexual intercourse.  Victim also reported ongoing mental and physical abuse from her spouse.  Further investigation into this matter is pending.     

0208009070 Aggravated Battery/Criminal Damage to Property 10-18-08

Deputy Assigned: Moises Pena

Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Location 4680 Airport Rd. SFNM

On the above date, officers were dispatched to the above location regarding the All Sups security officer being battered by unknown male assailants.  Upon arrival the security officer advised that he was alerted by a costomer that four male subjects were possibly going to tag the side of the store with spray paint.  Upon the officer confronting the males, they threw rocks at him one of which struck him in the head causing a small laceration.  A witness called 911 and the suspects threw a rock at her car window causing it to break.  Officers searched the area and could not locate the suspects.