2023002163 Lareny

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Deputy Assigned Cpl. G. Nieto

Entering Cpl. G. Nieto


Suspect Naji Shakur 32YOM Santa Fe, NM

Location Fire Station Rd

Victim stated son stole some musical equipment valued at $5,500.00. Suspect was gone prior to Deputies arriving on scene. A criminal summons was issued. 

Case#2023002156/Driving While License Revoked/4-9-23

Deputy Assigned: Cpl. B. Lattin

Commander Entering: Cpl. C. Valencia

Location: 200 Block of Caja Del Rio, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Juaquin Rios-Chavez, 19YOM, Santa Fe, NM

Deputies conducted a traffic stop at the above location. Deputies conducted a MVD inquiry on the above subject and discovered his drivers license was revoked. Deputies placed subject under arrest, transported, and booked him into Santa Fe Adult Detention Center without incident. 

Case#2023002158/Larceny & Criminal Damage to Property/4-9-23

Deputy Assigned: C. Podolak

Commander Entering: Cpl. C. Valencia

Location: 100 Block of NM-503, Santa Fe County, NM

Stolen: Catalytic Converter (Value $2,000) from 2017 Honda Pilot

On April 09, 2023 at about 1500 hours, deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to a larceny. upon arrival, deputies met with the owners boyfriend, who stated that sometime between the hours of 0930-1445 hours, unknown suspect(s) unlawfully removed the catalytic converter from the above vehicle as it was parked in the parking lot (Nambe Church). The RP valued the damage and catalytic converter at about $2,000.00. No suspects at this time.

Case#2023002157/Unattended Death/4-9-23

Deputy Assigned: J. Puentes

Commander Entering: Cpl. C. Valencia

Location: 1 Blocke of Camino De Los Rancho, Santa Fe County, NM

Deceased: 47YOF, Chimayo, NM

Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to a female who was not conscious and not breathing. Through a thorough investigation, deputies learned the female had an extensive medical history and a history of drug use. Foul play is not suspected. 

2023002146/  Warrant Service/ 04/08/2023

Deputy assigned: Omar Przyojski

Commander assigned: Cpl. S. Coles

Location: 4200 block of Airport Road, Santa Fe NM

Suspect: Kimberly Johana Hamby 31 YOF

On Saturday April 8, 2023, the above stated suspect was stopped for a traffic infraction. A check of the suspect information revealed she had an active warrant out of Santa Fe City Municipal Court. Suspect was arrested on the warrant and taken to the Santa Fe County Adult Detetnion center where she was booked without any further incident. 

2023002151 Unattended Death

Deputy Assigned: Leonard Martinez

Commander Entering: Corporal Justin Gioffredo

Location: Camino Trujillo, Santa Fe, NM, 87501

Deceased: 53 year old male

Deputies responded to the above address in reference to an unattended death.  OMI arrived on scene and pronounced the male deceased. No signs of foul play.

2023002153 Missing Person

Deputy Assigned: Marilyn Rodriguez

Commander Entering: Corporal Justin Gioffredo

Location: Senda Mescal, Santa Fe, NM, 87508

Missing: Baruch Constantine

Deputies were dispatched to the above address in reference to a missing person.  Reporting party advised their child had not come home after getting off from work.  Reporting party advised this is bizarre behavior for their child.  Co-workers advised Ms. Constantine may be headed to Albuquerque to go to a night club.  Ms. Constantine was entered into NCIC as missing.

2023002135 DWI/Roadways laned for traffic.

Deputy Assigned: Aaron Pool

Commander Entering: Corporal Justin Gioffredo

Location: 98 Paseo Real, Santa Fe, NM 87508

Arrested: Juan Espinoza Guerrero

On Saturday April 8, 2023 at 3:18 AM Deputies conducted a traffic stop for roadways laned for traffic, A strong odor commonly associated with an alcoholic beverage was detected. SFSTs were conducted, and impairment was observed.  The driver was arrested and booked into  ADC.

2023002142/ Attempt to commit a felony, to wit CSP/ 07/08/2023

Deputy assigned: J D Lujan

Commander assigned: Cpl. Coles

Location: 3900 block of Agua Fria

Suspect: Luis Ruiz-Santos 29 YOM.

Deputies were dispatched to the above area in reference to a Domestic Disturbance. Upon arriving at the location deputies learned that the suspect attempted to force himself on the victim after an argument concerning infidelity. Suspect also took victims phone so she could call for help and choked her. Suspect was placed under arrest and charged and booked accordingly.

2023002137/Warrant Service/04-08-2023

Deputy Assigned: F. Trujillo

Commander Entering: Sgt. O. McCartney

Location: 18100 U.S. 84/285, Pojoaque, NM

Arrested: Travis Sloan, 39 YOM

On Saturday, April 8, 2023, deputies were patrolling the above area when they observed a vehicle speeding. A traffic stop was conducted and through the course of the investigation, it was determined the driver had a bench warrant out for his arrest. The warrant ws confirmed to be valid and the driver was placed under arrest without incident. He was transported to the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility where he was booked accordingly.