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Deputy Assigned: F. Suazo

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: Aspen Loop (Cottonwood Mobile Home Park) Santa Fe, NM

Suspect(s)/Arrested: Pending


Victim reported that sometime between Feb. 25, 2008 and Feb. 26, 2008 an unknown person(s) used an unknown pry tool to force entry into a storage shed on his property.  The suspect(s) than stole a carborator and nitrous kit valued at $925.00.  No suspect or witness information at this time.   

0208001618/ Burglary (auto) 02-26-08

Deputy Assigned:Diego Lucero



Deputy Assigned: J. Jacquez

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: Avenida Frijoles (Aldea Sub-Division) Santa Fe, NM

Suspect(s)/Arrested: Pending


Victim reported that between 5:00 pm on Feb. 25, 2008 and 6:20 am on Feb. 26, 2008 an unknown person(s) broke a passenger side window on her vehicle (2008 Ford Pickup) and removed a brown leather purse containing misc. credit cards and her LANL work badge.  No suspects or witnesses at this time.   


Deputy Assigned: J. Jacquez

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: San Rafeal Road (Tano Area) Santa Fe, NM

Suspect(s)/Arrested: Pending


Above Deputy responded to a activated alarm at a residence located at the above address.  Upon arrival it was observed that forced entry had been gained into the residence through a back door.  The residence was searched and no suspects were located.  The only item that was determined to be missing at this time was a small TV (unknown make or model).  No witness or suspect information at this time.

Case#0208001646-Domestic Violence/Warrant Service

Deputy assigned: Moises Pena

Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego

Location of incident: #16 Camino De Jacobo

Suspect/arrest: Christopher Tapia -Espanola.NM age 34

Charges: Battery against a household member/Probation and Parole Arrest Order

 On 2/26/08 2130hrs/9:30pm Deputies responded to a violent domestic dispute, in which the suspect beat up his ex-wife. Victim female had numerous visual facial injuries and was transported to emergency room. Suspect was arrested, booked and charged accordingly.


Deputy Assigned.V.Hayes

Commander entering;Sgt Naranjo

Location of incident;4 Juego Rd Santa Fe,N.M.

Susspects; Unk.

The victim reported that he recieved e-mail from the suspect stateing that he was hired to kill the victim if he did not recieved a sum of money,Case is under investigation.


Deputy assigned;M.Martinez

Commander Entering:Sgt J.Naranjo

Location of  Incident;198 County Rd 113 Nambe.

Suspects/ Unk.

Sometime between 330pm and 430pm unknown suspects entered the residence with force and took  the following items;coiin collections,golf club set/phone.52'flat screen tv 2'bionoculars,craftsman tool set.case is under investigation.

0208001636/Missing Person/Runaway

Deputy assigned L.Martinez

Commander Entering;Sgt.J.Naranjo

Location of Incident;2632 ash Street

On the above date the  reporting party stated that the son was last seen in the afternoon  on 02-24-08,she  could not provide  info. on his clothing.subject was entered into NCIC


0208001642/Burglary/Breaking & Entering

Deputy Assigned: S. Romero

Commander Entering: Sgt. J. Naranjo

Location of Incident:  Arroyo Hondo Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87508

Arrested/Suspect: Unknown

On February 26, 2008 unknown person (s) unlawfully entered a barn on Arroyo Hondo Trail.  Once inside unknown person (s) unlawfully took a Bona Allen Western Style Horse Saddle.  The saddle was valued at $1000.00.  There are no suspects as of report time.

0208001598/Unlawful Taking of a Motor Vehicle/02-25-08

Deputy Assigned:  J. Jacquez

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: Airport Road (Cedar Creek Apartments) Santa Fe, NM

Suspect(s): Pending


Victim reported that sometime between 8:30 pm on Feb. 24, 2008 and 11:20 am on Feb. 25, 2008 an unknown person(s) stole her 1992 blue in color Toyota Corola (NM licence plate HPP144) from the parking lot of the above apartment complex.  No suspects or witnesses at this time.