0208001438/DWI Conceling Identity/Open Container/Suspended License
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Deputy Assigned: S. Coles
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident; West Frontage Road and State Road 599, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Arrested: Luis Marin Ramos (34 YOA), 27581 West Frontage Rd. #125, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Driver was stopped for a speed infraction. Upon contact driver provided a false name and. A 12 oz. can of Bud Light was found in the vehicle under the driver's seat. Driver was found to be impaired and was subsequently taken into custody. Driver submitted to a breathalyzer test that showed a breath alcohol content of .10 and .09 respectively.
0208001437/Aggravated DWI/Roadways Laned for Traffic/Open Container
Deputy Assigned: B. Markley
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: State road 14/Milepost 42 (Northbound), Santa Fe, NM 87508
Arrested: Robbie McCoy (62 YOA), Star Route 244-A, Madrid, NM 87010
Suspect was stopped after her vehicle was observed failing to maintain her lane of travel at the aforementioned location. Suspect displayed signs of impairment and admitted to consuming three glasses of wine. Suspect displayed signs of impairment when given the battery of Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and was taken into custody. Suspect submitted to a breathalyzer test that showd a breath alcohol content of .21 and .21 respectively.
Case: 0208001434 / Burglary / 2-20-2008
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Solomon Romero
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Camino Charro
Stolen: Laptop Computer and electronic devices with Music CDs
The victim reported that sometime today, someone entered her residence via an unkown means and stole a laptop computer and several other electronic devices and music CDs.
Case: 0208001430 / Arrest by Virtue of Warrant/2-20-2008
Deputy Assigned: Solomon Romero
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Camino de Jacobo
Arrested: Madelin Romero, 48 yoa Santa Fe, NM
Charges: Bench Warrant citing Failure to Appear
Deputies located the above named individual in a dirt field east of the Camino de Jacobo housing. She was arrested for the outstanding bench warrant and booked accordingly.
Case: 0208001432 / Arrest by Virtue of Warrant / 2-20-2007
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Michael Martinez
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Agua Fria Street
Arrested: Alejandro Marquez, 19 yoa Santa Fe, NM
Charges: Bench Warrant
Deputies proceeded to the suspect's residence and arrested him for the outstanding bench warrant issued for his arrest.
0208001409/Death Investigation
Deputy Assigned: C. Archuleta
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: Nine Mile Road, Santa Fe, NM 87508
Deceased: 82 Year old Female
Deputies responded to an unattended death on Nine Mile Road. While conducting an investigation it was learned that the victim was found lying in bed and appeared to be lifeless. Paramedics and deputies responded to the scene. Paramedics rendered aid but the victim was unresponsive. It was learned that the victim had a lengthy history of illness and it was determined that the death was from natural causes. There were no signs of foul play.
0208001410/Battery Against a Household Member
Deputy Assigned: M. Pena
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: 2100 Pam Y Utelia Lane, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Arrested: Daniel Garcia (27 YOA), 2100 Pam Y Utelia Lane, Santa Fe, NM 87507
At approximately 1:59 AM on 02/20/08 deputies responded to a domestic disturbance at the above listed location. Upon investigation it was determined that a physical altercation had taken place. The suspect was subsequently taken into custody and charged with battery against a household member.
0208001407/Aggravated DWI/Open Containers
Deputy Assigned: B. Peters
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: Alamo Lane/Lopez Lane, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Arrested: Mary Hurtado (43 YOA), 1349 Calle Corazzi #1, Santa Fe, NM 87507
At about 10:05 PM on February 19, 2008 the suspect was found passed out over the center consol of her vehicle. Upon waking up the suspect she displayed signs of impairment. Suspect refused to complete the battery of standardized field sobriety tests. Suspect was taken into custody and upon read the NM implied consent act failed to provide an adequate breath sample. An open bottle of Crown Royal Whiskey was located in the vehicle.
0208001214 Arrest by Warrant 02-13-08
Deputy Assigned: Agt. Gabe Gonzales
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: 6425 Vuelta Ventura SFNM
Arrested: Angela Lomahaitewa DOB: 08-11-68
On the above date, the above named defendant was arrested without incident on a District Court Order for failure to comply with conditions of probation.
0208001265 Arrest by Warrant 02-15-08
Deputy Assigned: Agt. Gabe Gonzales
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: 28 Camino Justicia
Arrested: Bryan Trujillo DOB: 04-28-79
On the above date, the above named defendant was arrested without incident on a Magistrate Court Order for failure to appear.