Case #: 0208001297/ Resisting, Evading or Obstructing an Officer, Aggravated DWI, Driver to be licensed/ Date: 02/16/08
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Deputy assigned: Deputy Bryan Peters
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location of arrest: State Road 14 & State Road 599, Santa Fe, NM
Suspect: Arturo Carrera, age 24, Santa Fe, NM
Charged: Resisting, Evading or obstructing an officer, Aggravated DWI, Driver to be licensed, No Insurance
On 2/16/08 at 0336 hours it was reported to RECC that a Silver in color Jeep was stopped at the above intersection in the left turn lane of northbound State Rd. 14 with the suspect asleep in the driver's seat. Upon arrival the doors to teh vehicle were locked. When I awoke the suspect the vehicle rolled forward as it was still in gear. Suspect then rolled the driver's side window down and deputy shut off the vehicle. Upon ordering suspect out of teh vehicle he refused by holding onto the steering wheel and therefore he had to be extracted from the vehicle. Suspect had the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath. SFST's were not performed due to suspect having to be forcefully taken into custody. Suspect submitted to a breath test in which the results were .17, .16. Suspect was transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.
Case#: 0208001295/ DWI, Careless Driving/ Date: 02/16/08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Bryan Peters
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location of arrest: Airport Road & Paseo del Sol, Santa Fe, NM
Suspect: Angelic Trujillo, age 28, Santa Fe, NM
Charged: DWI, Careless Driving
On 2/16/08 at approximately 0130 hours a traffic stop was conducted at the above location. A white in color Nissan Altima was observed traveling westbound on Airport Road and negotiated a left turn onto southbound Paseo del Sol nearly striking a marked patrol unit that was eastbound on Airport Road. Upon conducting a traffic stop, suspect displayed signs of impairment. SFST's were performed and suspect was then taken into custody. Suspect submitted to a breath test to determine Bac and the results were .15 and .14. Suspect was then transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.
Case#: 0208001291/ DWI, Driving on roadways laned for traffic/ Date: 02/15/08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Brian Markley
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location of arrest: South Meadows/ Airport Road, Santa Fe, NM
Suspect: Glenda Short, age 39, Santa Fe, NM
Charged: DWI, Driving on roadways laned for traffic
On 2/15/08 at 10:18 p.m. Short while driving her vehicle southbound on South Meadows at Airport Road failed to maintain her lane by crossing over the center line twice. Short displayed signes of impairment. Short admitted to consuming 2 Margaritas prior to stop. Short upon completion of the field sobriet tests displayed signs of impairment and was arrested. Short submitted to a breath test in which her Brac was .11 and .11. She was then transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.
02080001269/Unattended Death/02-15-08
Deputy Assigned: Dep. D. Lucero
Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros
Location of Incident: Vista Grande Circle (ElDorado) Santa Fe, NM
Victim/Deceased: 51 year old female
Above victim was located in her residence deceased after Santa Fe County Rescue responded to the residence to conduct a welfare check. There were no signs of foul play observed at the scene and further investigation into this case is pending.
Deputy Assigned: Dep. D. Lucero
Commander Entering: Cpl. R Sisneros
Location of Incident: Carlito Road (Eldorado) Santa Fe, NM
Suspect/Arrested: Pending
Victim reported that between 5:45 pm on 02-14-08 and 7:45 am on 02-15-08 an unknown person(s) unlawfully entered his vehicle and stole a 12" subwoofer speaker valued at $200.00. No suspects or witnesses at this time.
Case#: 0208001249/ Burglary, Larceny, Criminal Damage to Property/ Date: 02/14/08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Donald Romero
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location: Monte Alto Road, Santa Fe, NM (Eldorado)
On 2/14/08, victim arrived home and noticed that her residence was broken into. Victim stated that unknown suspects gained entry through the master bedroom door by breaking the glass. Suspects then left the residence through the front door. Several items were taken from within. Estimated value of amount taken is unknown.
Case#: 0208001253/ Battery upon a peace officer/ Date: 02/15/08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Donald Romero
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location of arrest: 28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM
Suspect: Crystal Trujillo, age 24, Santa Fe, NM
Charged: Battery upon a peace officer
On 2/15/08, SFPD had taken in an inmate into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center and a Detention Officer was processing the suspect. The suspect was asked to remove some jewelry and refused twice and placed her hands on victim. Suspect was then restrained. Suspect was then charged and booked accordingly.
Case#: 0208001248/ Aggravated Assault with a Deadly weapon/ Date: 02/14/08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Ted Padilla
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location of arrest: US 84-285 mm 178, Santa Fe, NM (Pojoaque)
Suspect: Alex Marti, age 21, Espanola, NM
Charged: Aggravated Assault with a deadly weapon to wit: a handgun (2 counts)
On 2/14/08, Deputies were boloing for a blue in color Ford Mustang which was headed north on US 84-285 in which the driver had just got into an altercation with the victims and had brandished a weapon and pointed it at them. The vehicle was located and stopped in Pojoaque. The driver stated that he did have a handgun inside his vehicle. The driver admitted to having an altercation with the victims earlier. Suspect was then arrested, transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.
0208-1243/ Warrant arrest/ 2-14-08
Deputy Assigned: Ed Webb
Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza
Location: Us 84/ 285
Suspect: Marie Johnson age 23
Charges: Rio Arriba County warrant for failure to appear
Driver was stopped for a traffic violation and it was discovered that she had an outstanding warrant for her arrest.
Case#: 0208001225/ Possession of a controlled substance, to wit: Cocaine, Fugitive from Justice, Aggravated DWI/ Date: 02/14/
Deputy assigned: Deputy Brian Markley
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location of arrest: State Rd. 14 & Vista del Monte, Santa Fe, NM
Suspect#1: Kerry Melton, age 50, Santa Fe, NM
Charged: Possession of a controlled substance to wit: Cocaine, Fugitive from Justice, Aggravated DWI, Possession of drug paraphernalia, Driving on roadways laned for traffic, Obedience to any required traffic control device, Open container, Expired registration tag, No Insurance
Suspect#2: Robert Moreno, age 56, Santa Fe, NM
Charged: Possession of a controlled substance to wit: Cocaine, Open container
On 2/14/08 at 0224 hours Melton while operating her vehicle failed to obey a posted no right turn on red sign at the intersection of SR 14 & Vista del Monte. Melton failed to maintain her lane one time by crossing over the center lane. Melton displayed signs of impairment and admitted to consuming one alcoholic drink. Melton was found in possession of an open bottleof Pyrat Rum. Melton was arrested and refused to submit to a breath test. During the investigation a plastic baggie with a white powdery substance was found on the front passenger floor of the vehicle. The white powder tested positive for cocaine. A metal smoking device was also located in the vehicle. The registration tag displayed has been expired. Melton could not provide proof of financial responsibility. A check with the Colorado motor vehicles revealed that Melton had an active warrart out of Jefferson County. Moreno was the passenger and was also arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance and open container. Both were transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.