0208-1239/ Burglary/ 2-14-08

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Deputy Assigned: Stephanie Baca

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: Hyde Park Road at Chisolm Trail

Suspect: Pending

Charges: Pending

Between 2:30pm and 3:30pm a 05 Lexus was broken into while parked at the trail head. Suspects took a diaper bag containing a cell phone and baby supplies. The case is under investigation.

0208-1244/ Burglary/ 2-14-08

Deputy Stephanie Baca

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: Feather Road

Suspect: Pending

Charges: Pending

Between 9:00 am and 4:00pm suspect(s) broke into the above residence. While inside they took several items to include a Dell Laptop computer, Several DVD movies and Jewelry. The case is under investigation.

0208-1240/ Burglary/ 2-14-08

Deputy Julie York

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: Cerro Del Alamo

Suspect: Pending

Charges: Pending

Between 8:30am and 4:30pm the above residence was broken into. While inside the suspect s took three firearms, cash and jewelry. The case is under investigation.

Case#  0208001223 DWI

Deputy Assigned:  Deputy Brian Markley

Commander Entering:  Corporal Joe McLaughlin

Location:  State Road 599 at State Road 14

Vehicle:  Gold, 1996, GMC, Pick-up

Suspect :  Manuel Perea, 31, Santa Fe, NM

Charged:  DWI, Negligent use of a Deadly Weapon, Possession of Marijuana,

               Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Failure to Obey Sign, Mandatory

               Financial Responsibility

 On 2-13-2008, at 7:41 PM, the suspect was operating the vehicle at the location.  The suspect made a right turn at a red traffic control signal where there is a sign posted prohibiting such a turn.  The suspect was found to be under the influence of an intoxicaitng liquor of .08 or greater.  The suspect was found to be in possession of a loaded, .22 caliber pistol, marijuana and a smoking device with suspected marijuana residue.  The suspect was unable to produce proof of insurance upon request. 

0208-1230/ Warrant Arrest/ 2-14-08

Deputy Assigned: Ron Crow

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: 1035 Alto Street

Suspect: Alvin Romero   age 47

Charges: Magistrate Court warrant and Municipal Court warrant

Suspect was a passenger in a vehicle that was involved in a motor vehicle accident. It was discovered that he had two active warrants.

0208-1228/ Warrant Arrest/ 2-14-08

Deputy Assigned: Ron Crow

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: State Road 599

Suspect: Robert Jackson    age 50

Charges: Magistrate Court warrant

Driver was stopped for expired registration. It was discovered that he had an active Warrant. Driver was arrested.

0208001197, Driving while suspended or revoked, 2/13/08

Deputy Assigned: K. Whyte

Commander Entering: Cpl. M. Post

Location: State Road 502 milepost 7

Suspect: Tomasita Martinez   Age: 28   Alcalde NM

Tomasita Martinez was stopped for speeding on State Road 502 milepost 7.  Her drivers license is Revoked for a prior DWI conviction and she was arrested and booked for Driving while Revoked pursuant to state statute.

Case#:  0208001226, Service of Documents/ Date:  02/14/08

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Gerald Lovato

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location of arrest:  28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM

Suspect:  Steve Blanchard, age 60, Moriarty, NM

Charged:  Bench warrant charging Forgery and Larceny.  Warrant is out of Torrance County Magistrate Court, warrant #:  M-56-FR-200800020.

On 2/14/08, Deputy was dispatched over to the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center to serve the above warrant on the above suspect.  Suspect was incarcerated at the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.  Bench warrant is out of Torrance County Magistrate Court.

Case #: 0208001213 / Aggravated Burglary (Auto) / 2-13-2008

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Fabian Trujillo

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location: Santa Fe Factory Outlet Stores

Stolen: $6,000.00 in property, including one firearm

The victim was traveling from Texas to Taos, NM and stopped at the Santa Fe Factory Outlet Stores to shop. While inside the stores, unknown person(s) burglarized his vehicle. The suspect(s) stole several electronic devices, including a laptop computer and two GPS travel devices. The suspect(s) also stole a .17 caliber Savage rifle.

Case #: 0208001212 / Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card / 2-13-2008

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Julie York

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location: Paseo de Rincon

Stolen: $300.00 worth of fraudulent charges on debit card

The victim reported that she noticed that $300.00 worth of charges were placed onto her checking account that she did not authorize. The victim investigated the charges and learned that someone fraudulently used her debit card number to charge for access to sexually adult sites on the internet.