Case #0208000611 / Runaway / 1-23-08
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Deputy assigned: Deputy Brien Nissen
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Airport Road
Missing: 16 year old male
Above juveniles mother reported her son a runaway on 1/23/08. She said her son ranaway to avoid going to jail for violating his probation. The juvenile is believed to also be accompanied by a second juvenile who is also avoiding apprehension by juvenile probation. The second juvenile is also reported as a runaway.
Case # 0208000608 / Runaway / 1-23-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Tim Benavidez
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Aspen Loop
Missing: 17 year old juvenile
Mother of the above juvenile reports that her son left the residence and didn't return. She later saw him at the Ortiz Middle School with another juvenile and her son refused to return home. Both juveniles are believed to be evading apprehension by juvenile probation. The second said juvenile is also reported as a runaway.
Case #0208000610 / Criminal Damage to Property / 1-23-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy David Jaramillo
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: SFC Road 84
Victim reported that sometime between 1/17/08 and 1/23/08, an unknown person(s) damaged an electric kilm that was located in the craftsroom at the El Rancho Community Center. No suspects are known at this time.
Case #0208000607 / Criminal Damage to Property / 1-23-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Andrew Quintana
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: La Pradera Road
Victim stated that between the hours of 8:00am on January 22, 2008, and 5:00am on January 23, 2008, unkown person(s) damaged the east side entry door to the residence. Estimated damage is $1700.00. No witnesses or suspects are known at this time.
0208000632, Robbery, 1/23/08
Deputy Assigned: T. Padilla
Commander Entering: Cpl. M. Post
Location: Agua Fria St./San Yasidro Crossing
Suspect: Pending
Victim reports that she met with suspect/aquaintance to receive some keys. Victim reports that suspect forcibly pulled victims purse from her and fled on foot. Suspect was not located and case is under investigation.
0208000598, Larceny, Battery against a Household Member, 1/22/08
Deputy Assigned: G. Lovato
Commander Entering: Cpl. M. Post
Location: 37 West Cochiti South Fork Santa Fe
Suspect: Pending
Deputies responded to a domestic disturbance on West Cochiti Road. Victim reports being battered by her sister (hair pulling). Suspect reports her jewelry was stolen from her bedroom. Case is under investigation.
0208-585/ Burglary/ 1-22-08
Deputy Assigned: Ed Webb Jr.
Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza
Lcoation: Santa Cruz Lake
SuspecT: Pending
Charges: Pending
person(s) gained entry into the victims vehicle while parked at the lake. While inside they took three fishing rods and a Jaguar Knife. The item taken were valued at over $100.00.
0208-592/ License revoked/ 1-22-08
Deputy Assigned: Shannon Coles
Commander entering; Sgt. Adan Mendoza
Location: Cerrillos Road and Felipe
Suspect: Jose Gutierrez age 30
Charges: Driving while suspended/revoked, concealing ID
Suspect was stopped for a traffic violation. It was determined that he was concealing his identity and had a revoked driver's license. Suspect was arrested.
0208-593/ Battery on a household member/ 1-22-08
Deputy Assigned: Ed Webb Jr.
Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza
Location: College Avenue
Suspect: Jessica Larranaga-Ulibarri age 37
Charges: Battery on a household member
Suepct and victim got into an argument over a parenting plan. During the argument the suspect struck the victim on the face smashing his glasses and scratching his face. Suspect was arrest and booked.
Case #: 0208000563 / DWI / Date: 01/21/2008
Deputy Assigned: Deputy David Clendenin
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Paul Mood Farm Road
Arrested: Charles Gallenkamp, 77 yoa, Santa Fe, NM
Charges: Will be summoned to court for DWI
The above named individual crashed his vehicle on Paul Mood Farm Road by colliding into a tree and flipping the vehicle. The suspect was transported by family to a fire station and then to St. Vincent Hospital. He was arrested and a blood sample was obtained for testing. Due to his injuries and medical condition, he will be summoned to appear in court.