0208-000416/ Burglary/ 1-15-08
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Deputy Stephanie Baca
Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza
Location: Madison Road
Suspect: Pending
Charges: Pending
Victim observed two males enter her unlocked vehicle. Victim yelled at the males at which time they fled in a white Pontiac Grand Am. The suspects got away with a leather jacket and black high heels.
0208-000412/ Aggravated Battery/ 1-15-08
Deputy John Lucero
Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza
Location: Agua Fria
Suspect: 26 Year old male
Charges: Pending
several males were drinking at a residence Off Agua Fria. One male was stabbed in the lower abdomen by another male. The suspect fled the scene. A knife was located on scene. The victim was transported and treated at St. Vincent's Hospital. Injuries appeared to be non-life threatening.
0208-411/ Burglary/ 1-15-08
Deputy Edward Webb
Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza
Location: Paseo De Mi Angel
Suspect: Pending
Charges: Pending
Between Saturday January 12, 2008 and Today suspect(s) kicked open the front door to the residence. Once inside they rummaged through a closet and took 4 Porcelin Navajo Dolls with real hair from the living room. The case is under investigation
Case #0208000384 / Burglary / 1-15-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Tracy Baca
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Old Callejon Road
Victim reported that between 5:00am and 5:00pm, on January 14, 2008, unknown person(s) forcefully entered his residence and stole several power tools. No suspects or witnesses are known at this time.
0208000371/Possession of a Controlled Substance (Cocaine)/DWI/No Insurance
Ceputy Assigned: S. Coles
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: Airport Road East of Oliver Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Arrested: Sandra Salazar (44 YOA) 3812 Riverside Dr., Santa Fe, NM 87505
Suspect was stopped for Impoper use of registration. Upon contact with the suspect she was found to be impaired. Suspect failed the standardized field sobriety tests. She was taken into custody for DWI. Suspect was found to have a white powdery substance that field tested positive for cocaine on her person.
0208000377/Shooting at a Dwelling or Occupied Building
Deputy Assigned: M. Pena
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: County Road 84 House 386
Arrested/Suspect: Unknown
Victim reported that he was asleep when he heard approximately 6 shots fired near the intersection of CR84 and CR101D. One projectile entered his bedroom roof and landed in the bath tub. Victim stated he saw tail lights of vehicle leaving the area. Two casings were located at the above intersection. One projectile was recovered from the bathtub. There are no suspects as of report time.
0208000376/Revoked License
Deputy Assigned: D. Clendenin
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: Airport Road/West of Paseo Del Sol
Arrested: Eloy Tapia (22 YOA) 1337 Acequia Borrada, Santa Fe, NM 87505
The suspect was stopped for having a demonstration plate displayed on his vehicle. A check conducted through the NM Department of Motor Vehicle revealed that suspects driving priveledges had been revoked. He was subsequently taken into custody
Case #0208000368 / Burglary / 1-14-08
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Vanessa Hayes
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Old Callejon Road / Nambe
Stolen: Miter Saw, Table Saw, Horse Saddles, Youth Saddle
The victim reported that when she arrived home, she located her garage door to be open. She then discovered that the above items were stolen from inside.
Case #0208000357 / Criminal Damage to Property / 1-14-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Diego Lucero
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Camino Del Monte
Complainant reports that two of his roommates vehicle's, parked in his driveway, were damaged. Rocks were thrown through the windows by unknown suspects. Damage occurred sometime between 1/13/08 at 8:00pm and 1/14/08 at 8:52am.
Case #0208000355 / Burglary / 1-14-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Diego Lucero
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Juego Road
Victim's vehicle was burglarized sometime between 6:00am and 6:30am, today. Entry was made through an unlocked door and an inflatable mattress was stolen. No suspects or witnesses are known at this time.