0208000314/DWI/Roadways Laned for Traffic

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Deputy Assigned: B. Markley

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: Airport Rd./South Meadows Drive

Arrested: Juan Garcia-Delgado (22YOA), 2001 Hopewell St., Santa Fe, NM 87507

On 01/11/08 suspect failed to stop at hte traffic signal at the above location.  After turning onto Airport Rd. suspect failed to maintain his travel lane.  The suspect was stopped and when administered the standardized field sobriety tests he showed signs of impairment.  He was subsequently taken into custody.

Case: 0208000307 / Criminal Sexual Contact of a Minor / 1/11/2008

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Vanessa Hayes

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location: Valle Romero / Pojoaque, NM

Victim: 8 year old female

Suspect: 52 year old male

The victim reported that she had been improperly touched by a relative. She disclosed the incident to her mother and the suspect fled the area and could not be located at the time of this report. The case is open and under investigation.

Case #:0208000308 / False Imprisonment / 1/11/2008

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Eddie Web

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location: Cerrillos, NM

Suspect: On file

Victim: 30 yoa female

The victim reported that she had been tied-up by her boyfriend and battered while inside her residence. The victim displayed visible injury and was treated by medical personnel. The suspect was identified but could not be located at the time of this report. The case is open and under investigation.

Case#0208000312 /Battery Against a Household Member / 1/11/2007

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Leonard Martinez

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location: William's Ranch Road at Interstate 40

Arrested: Bobbie Natewei-Shoepfer, 33 yoa Edgewood, NM

Charges: Battery Against a Household Member 2 Counts

Deputies responded to a reported fight in progress at above listed location between mother and daughter. Upon their arrival, they located the above listed defendant and two victims. The investigation revealed that the suspect had punched her 14 year old daughter and her ex-boyfriend. Visible injuries were located and she was arrested and booked accordingly into the Santa Fe County Jail.

0208000288/Death Investigation/01-11-08

Deputy Assigned: R. Villanueva

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: Epoch Drive  Edgewood, NM

 Victim: 80 year of female


On Jan. 11, 2008 at approx. 6:30 a.m. the above deputy responded to an unattended death at a residence located at the above location.  The deceased female had a medical history and no signs of foul play were observed.   

0208000303/Unlawful taking of a motor vehicle/01-11-08

Deputy Assigned: F. Suazo

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: Buffalo Grass Road  Santa Fe, NM 87507

Suspect Info.: Pending



Victim reported that sometime during the night time hours of 01-11-08 an unknown person(s) cut a four foot hole in a chain link fence that surrounded his property and removed a green in color 2007 Polaris ATV bearing NM license plate OHN5965, valued at $7000.00.  There is no suspect or witness information at this time.   


0208000315/DWI/Careless Driving/Revoked License

Deputy Assigned: B. Peters

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: Rufina & Calle Nueva Vista

Arrested: Michael Flores (19 YOA), 2584 Lopez Lane, Santa Fe, NM 87507

On 1/11/08 at 10:23 PM a traffic stop was conducted on a vehicle driven by the listed suspect.  The suspec displayed several signs of impairement and admitted to consuming (5) beers prior to the stop.  The suspect failed the standardized field sobriety tests and was subsequently arrested.

0208-00309/ Aggravated Burglary/ 1-11-08

Deputy Assigned: Leonard Martinez

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: Park Road/ Edgewood

Suspect: Pending

Charges: Pending

Suspect(s) took two firearms frm the above residence to include a .357 Magnum handgun and a .22 caliber handgun. Entry was gained through a bedroom window.

0208000293 Arrest by Warrant 01-11-08

Deputy Assigned: Gabe Gonzales

Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Location: 3 Camino de Jacobo

Arrested: Robert Mac Neil DOB: 01-27-1985

On the above date, the above named defendant was arrested without incident on an arrest order out of the Adult Probationand Parole office for violations.

0208-272/ Driving while license suspended or revoked/ 1-10-08

Deputy Assigned: Brian Nissen

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: State Road 14

Suspect: Betty Vigil  age 36

Charges: Driving while license suspended or revoked

Vehicle was stopped for a registration violation. it was determined that the driver had a revoked driver's license with an arrest clause. Driver was arrested and her vehicle towed.