Case#:  0208000235/ Burglary(Auto), Criminal Damage to Property/ Date:  01/09/08

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Deputy assigned:  Deputy Kurt Whyte

Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location:  8300 block of Cerrrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM

On 1/9/08 victim stated that she had left her vehicle in the parking lot of the Premier Outlet Mall at about 1730 hours and when she returned at about 2215 hours; she noticed that the left front window had been broken.  She stated that items were moved from inside the vehicle but nothing appeared to be taken.  The vehicle is a 2001 Infinity tan in color.

Case#:  0208000237/ DWI, Roadway Laned for Traffic, Expired Registration Plate/Date:  01/09/08

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Brian Markley

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location of arrest:  State Road 14 mm 44, Santa Fe, NM

Suspect:  Florence Espinosa, age 42, Santa Fe, NM

Charged:  DWI, Roadways laned for traffic, Expired Registration, No Insurance

On 1/9/08 at 2340 hours, suspect while travelling northbound on State Road 14 at mm 44 failed to maintain her lane by crossing over the right edge line twice.  Suspect displayed signs of impairment.  Suspect admitted to consuming three glasses of wine earlier in the evening.  Suspect submitted to a breath test in which her Brac results were .15 and .14.  Suspect was arrested, transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center.  A check with DMV revealed that the registration plate displayed was expired and she was unable to provide insurance for the vehicle.

0208-230/ Unattended Death/ 1-9-08

Deputy Assigned: Edward Webb

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: Gunnison Road

Victim: 42 Year old male

Relatives found the above male at his residence deceased. The male was located in a bedroom deceased. There were no signs of foul play.

0208-00229/ Burglary/ 1-9-08

Deputy Assigned: Fabian Trujillo

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: Delaware Lane

Suspect: Pending

Charges: Pending

Between 1:00pm and 3:00pm, suspect(s) entered a residence. Once inside they took a jewelery box containing 9 diamond rings, 3 tennis bracelets, 4 diamond earrings, 3 gold chains, 6 pendants and 1 gold ring. Total estimated value was over $10,000.00. The case is under investigation

0208-00234/ Burglary/ 1-9-08

Deputy Assigned: Edward Webb

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location; Laurel Circle

Suspect: Pending

Charges: Pending

Victim's residence was broken into when suspect(s) kicked open the front door to the residence. Once inside the suspec(s) took a Dell Latitude Laptop. The case is under investigation.

0208-00231/ Bringing contraband into a place of imprisonment/ 1-9-08

Deputy Assigned: John Lucero

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: Santa Fe County Jail

Suspect: Pending

Charges: Pending

It is believed that a visitor at the Santa fe County Jail attempted to smuggle in contraband to an inmate at the Santa Fe County Jail . The contraband was intercepted by Jail staff prior to possession by the inmate. The case is under investigation.

Case #0208000208 / Burglary / 1-9-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy David Jaramillo

Commander assigned: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: La Carrera Apartments

The victim's vehicle was forcibly entered sometime between 1/8/08 at 10:00pm and 1/9/08 at 7:00am and several items stolen.  No physical evidence was found.  No witnesses or suspects are known at this time.

Case #0208000213 / Agg DWI / 1-9-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Ronald Crow

Commander assigned: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: SFC Road 45

Arrested: Yvonne Garcia, age 22, Santa Fe, NM

Above listed driver was found in physical control f her vehicl on SFC 45 and pased out.  Signs of impairment were observed on the driver and the decision to arrest was made.  The driver refused to provide a breath sample.  The driver had a suspended driver's license.

Case #0208000184 / Runaway / 1-8-08

Deputy assigned: Deputy Martine Rivera

Commande entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Jemez Road

15 year old female told her mother she was running away with her boyfriend to get married.  She was entered into NCIC and her description broadcasted to other law enforcement.

Case #0208000184 / Runaway / 1-8-08
