0208000180/DWI/Suspended License

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Deputy Assigned: S. Coles

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: Santa Fe County Rd. 44 & Russell Drive

Arrested: James A. Duran (23 YOA) 2218 Miguel Chavez Rd. #506, Santa Fe, NM 87505

The above listed individual was operating a 1987 Honda Accord.  Upon contact deputies noticed an odor of intoxicant emitting from the driver.  The suspect failed the battery of field sobriety tests and was taken into custody.  A breath test was administered and the results were above the legal per se limit.

0208000120/Burglary (Auto)/01-06-08

Deputy Assigned: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Commander Entering: Lt. J. Garcia

Location of Incident: West Cochiti Road Santa Fe, NM

Suspect(s): Pending



Victim reported that between 10:00 pm on 01-05-08 and 10:00 am on 01-06-08 an unknown person(s) entered into her unlocked 2005 GMC pickup parked on her property.  Stolen from inside the vehicle were the stereo, speakers, power tools and tool bag.  No suspect or witness information at this time.   

0208000113/Agg. Battery Against a Household Member/01-06-08

Deputy Assigned: D. Lucero

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: Quail Run  Santa Fe, NM 87508

Suspect/Arrested: Orlando Watts (37 YOA) 42 Quail Run Santa Fe, NM 87508


Above arrested subject and his live-in girlfriend were involved in a domestic dispute which became physical.  The victim was struck several times in the face by the suspect and had visible injuries.  The suspect was located near the residence and was taken into custody and charged with Aggrevated Battery on a Household member.    

0208000119/Burglary (Auto)/01-06-08

Dep. Assigned: J. Jacquez

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location: State Road 475 (Hyde Park) Santa Fe, NM

Suspect(s): Pending


Victim reported that between 9:30 am and 11:30 am on Jan. 6, 2008 a window on his 2006 Honda pickup was broken and entrance was gained.  Stolen from inside the vehicle was a cell phone and a pair of ski gloves.  No suspects or witnesses at this time. 


Deputy Assigned: J. Jacquez

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: State Road 475 (Hyde Park Rd.)  Santa Fe, NM

Suspect(s)/Arrested: Pending



Victim reported that between 11:00 am and 12:10 pm on Jan. 6, 2008 the passanger door window of his 2007 Chevy SUV was broken and entrance was gained.  Stolen was a cell phone, GPS and $40.00.  No suspects or witnesses at this time. 

0208000122/Death Investigation/01-06-08

Deputy Assigned: D. Benavidez

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: Monte Alto Road (ElDorado), Santa Fe, NM 87508

Suspect: Pending


On Jan. 6, 2008 at approx. 2:00 pm units responded to a medical call at a residence at the above location.  Upon arrival Santa Fe County Medical Personnal were conducting CPR on a female victim of a possible drowning.  A short time later the 49 year old victim was pronounced deceased.  Further investigation into this death is pending. 

0208000132/Contributing to the deliquency of a minor/Aggravated DWI/Resisting or Obstructing an Officer

Deputy Assigned: D. Clendenin

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: Airport Road in front of the Youth Development Program

Arrested: Ada Martinez (21 YOA) Rt. 5 Box 305, Santa Fe, NM 87506  & 17 year old female

The suspect was stopped for speeding 60/45 MPH on Airport Road.  The suspect had a strong odor of a consumed alcoholic beverage coming from her breath and person.  The suspect refused both the field sobriety tests as well as the breath test.  The passneger Ada Martinez was also intoxicated and encouraged the delinquency of the juvenile driver.

0208000112/Possession of a Controlled Substance/DWI

Deputy Assigned: B. Markley

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: Bone Yard Road/SFC Road 91

Arrested: Jose Mascarenas (25 YOA) SR 74 House 157, San Juan Pueblo, NM 87566

Deputies responded to a call of shots fired in the area listed above.  A black Acura was seen leaving the area failing to stop at the posted stop sign.  A traffic stop was conducted on the Acura following a short pursuit.  The suspect was a passenger in the vehicle and was found to have a loaded syringe with a substance that tested positive for a controlled substance.  

Case:0208000123/ Aggravated Assault Against a Household Member / 1/6/2007

Deputy Assigned; Deputy Vanessa Hayes

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location: Pueblo Garcia Road

Victim: 20 yoa female

Suspect: 22 yoa male

The victim reported that she had been involved in a domestic dispute with her live-in boyfriend. She stated that the boyfriend had pointed a knife at her prior to leaving the residence. The male party and four friends were caught leaving the area and were questioned. The male party and the witnesses denied that this altercation had occurred and instead reported that the female victim had slashed 8 tires on two vehicles at the residence with a knife. The knife was located and found to be bent in a manner consistent with puncturing the tires. No arrests were made and this case will be forwarded to the DA's office for review. No visible injuries were located on either party.

Case #0208000102/ Breaking and Entering / 1-5-08

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Michael Martinez

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location: Francisco Lane

Stolen: N/A

Suspect(s): A neighbor (name on file)

The victim reported that sometime between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM on 1/5/08, someone breached the front door to his residence with an unidentified tool. Nothing was stolen from inside the residence. Attempts were made to contact the neighbor but were unsuccessful.