0208000086/Breaking and Entering/01-04-08

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Deputy Assigned: T. Baca

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location Of Incident: Louis Road, Santa Fe, NM 87507

Suspect(s): Pending



Victim reported that between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm on 1-4-08 an unknown person forced entry in her residence.  Victim advised that it did not appear that anything was taken.  No suspects or witnesses at this time.


Deputy Assigned: A. Quintana

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location Of Incident: Willy Road  Santa Fe, Nm 87507

Suspects: Pending



Victim reported that on 1-4-08 his residence was burglarized as forced entry was gained through the front door.  Victim reported that misc. jewelry and electronics valued at $3,810.00 were stolen.  No suspects or witnesses at this time.   

0208000078/DWI, Possession of Marijuana/01-04-08

Deputy Assinged:  B. Markley

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: Rodeo Road  Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Richard Cordova (27 YOA) 23 Cerro Circle, Lamy NM 87540


Above subject was stopped for multiple traffic infractions while traveling on Rodeo Road.  Subject was found to be intoxicated and placed into custody.  Subject submitted to a breath test in which the results were .28 and .26 BrAC.  Subject was booked for Agg. DWI, Possession of marijuana, Possession of drug paraphernalia, unlawful possession of a switchblade, and several other traffic violations.   




Deputy Assigned: Jeff Jacquez

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: Calle Jon  Pojoaque, NM 87506

Suspect/Arrested:  Pending


Victim reported that between 12-31-07 and 1-5-08 an unknown person(s) entered into his unsecured garage and stole several misc. tools valued at $3,782.  Victim advised that he was out of town during this time period and other family members did not realize that the items were missing.

0208000091/DWI, Careless Driving/Immediate notice of accident/01-05-08

Deputy Assigned: Brian Markley

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location of Incident: I-25 Milepost 289 Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Christopher Castellano (46 YOA), County Rd. 76 Serafina NM 87569


Subject was involved in a motor vehicle crash at the above location and left the scene.  He was located a short time later and was found to be intoxicated.  Subject submitted to a breath test in which the results showed a .12, .11 BrAC.   


0208000097/Agg.DWI, Battery on a household member/01-05-07

Deputy Assigned: Shannon Coles

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros

Location Of Incident: West Frontage Road, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: James Babcock (34 YOA) 1312 Delcovina St. Santa Fe, NM 87505



The above arrested was involved in a motor vehicle crash.  Subject was found to be intoxicated and was placed into custody. Subject refused all tests requesed by the officer at the time of arrest.  During the investigation is was discovered that the arrested subject was involved in a domestic dispute and punched a female family member who was an occupent in his vehicle.  Subject was booked at the Santa Fe County detention center on the charges of Agg. DWI, No insurance, expired registration, open container, and battery on a household member. 

0208000111/ Aggravated Battery Against a Household Member

Deputy Assigned: M. Pena

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: 6151 Airport Rd. Sp. 238, Santa Fe, NM 87507

Arrested: Maria Nava (25 YOA), 6151 Airport Rd., Sp. 238, Santa Fe, NM 87507

at 12:36 AM deputies responded to a domestic disturbance at the above location.  Investigation revealed that the suspect struck a male individual with a candle stick and piece of glass causing a laceration to the right arm.

0208000109/Burglary (residential)

Deputy Assigned: C. Archuleta

Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson

Location of Incident: 1341 Calle Inez #73, Santa Fe, NM 87501

Arrest/Suspect: None

At 9:47 PM on January 5, 2007 victim reported that sometime between 12/22/2007 and this date unknown person(s) unlawfully entered the residence at the above location and rumaged through the items.  Nothing appears to be taken at this time.

Case# 0208000104 Driving While License Suspended or Revoked

Deputy Assigned:  Deputy Brian Markley

Commander Entering:  Corporal Joe McLaughlin

Location:  Cerrillos Road at Jaguar Drive

Vehicle:  Silver/Blue, 1992, Chevy, Pick-Up

Suspect:  Cosme Salcido-Moreno, 40, Santa Fe, NM

Charged:  Driving While License Suspended or Revoked, Roadways Laned for Traffic

The suspect was operating the vehicle south at the location and was failing to maintain a single lane of travel.  The suspect's New Mexico driver's license is revoked with the arrest clause attached.

Case#  0208000110 DWI

Deputy Assigned:  Deputy Kurt Whyte

Commander Entering:  Corporal Joe McLaughlin

Location:  SFC 88

Vehicle:  White, 1999, Chevy, Blazer

Suspect:  Gerald Montoya, 44, Santa Fe, NM

Charged:  DWI, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked, Concealing Identity,

               Warrant - Failure to Pay Fines

On 1-5-2008 at 10:59 PM, the suspect was operating the vehicle north at the location at 40 miles per hour in a posted 30 mile per hour zone.  The suspect was found to be under the influence of an intoxicating liquor.  The suspect's New Mexico driver's license is revoked with the arrest clause attached.  The suspect provided a false name and date of birth.  There was an active arrest warrant for the suspect for Failure to Pay Fines.