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Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez
Commander Entering: Lt. K Johnson
Location of Incident: 6921 Airport Road, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Arrested/Suspect: None
Between 01/01 and 01/02/2008 unknown persons unlawfully entered a tractor trailer at the above location and took various construction tools and a red generator. The exterior of the trailer was then spray painted with graffiti.
Case#: 0208000036/ Burglary, Larceny/ Date: 01/02/08
Deputy assigned: Cpl. Mike Post
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location: Wilders Place, Santa Fe, NM
Victim reports home was entered by no force between 1600 and 2230 hours on 1/2/08. A DVD/VCR, DVD's, a scooter, and $200.00 was taken from within. Victim cleaned up prior to officer's arrival. Entry appears to have been gained through faulty mobile home door knob lock. Value of items taken is estimated at $740.00.
0208000034 / Burglary / 1-2-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Edward Webb
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Cedar Street
Sometime between 12-20-07 and 12-27-07, unknown suspects entered the unlocked garage belonging to the victim and stole a chainsaw. No signs of forced entry. No suspects or witnesses are known at this time.
0208000030 / Burglary / 1-2-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Leonard Martinez
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Elk Horn Road
Unknown suspects entered the victim's vehicle sometime on January 2, 2008, and stole a cell phone and cd player. There no signs of forced entry. No suspects or witnesses are known at this time.
Deputy Assigned: D. Benavidez
Commander Entering: Lt. Ken Johnson
Location of Incident: 44 Estrellas de Tano, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Arrested/Suspect: None
On 01/01/08 at about 2:24 PM unknown persons unlawfully entered the residence at the above listed address and took an athletic bag and a dead bolt key that had been left on the porch. There were no signs of forced entry.
020800013/Burglary (Auto)
Deputy Assigned: D. Garcia
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: 1115 Ocate Rd. Sp. 30, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Arresed/Suspect: None
Between 12/31/2007 and 01/01/2008 Unknown persons unlawfully entered the victims Jeep Cherokee and took a wallet containing $3000.00, credit cards and a drivers license. Vehicle was found to be unlocked.
0208000010/Breaking & Entering
Deputy Assigned: D. Garcia
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: 2410 Sycamore Loop, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Arrested/Suspect: None
On 01/01/08 victim reported that an unknown male used a knife to pry open a rear window to the residence. The suspect was seen by family members and he in turn fled the area on foot in an unknown direction.
020800007/DWI/Poss. Drug Paraphernalia
Deputy Assigned: B. Nissen
Commander Entering: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: State Rd. 333/State Rd. 344, Edgewood, NM 87015
Arrested: Christine Huerta (33 YOA) Edgewood, NM 87015
On 01/01/08 the above listed individual was traveling south in the north bound lanes of traffic at the above location. The individual was found to be under the influence of intoxicants. While inventoring the vehicle an open bottle of liquor and drug paraphernalia were located.
Case #0208000001 / Contributing to the delinquency of a minor / 1-1-08
Deputy assigned: Deputy Brian Peters
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Vuelta Ventura
Arrested: Randy Harvey, age 19, Santa Fe, NM/ Angela Harvey, age 38, Santa Fe, NM
On 1/1/08, at about 1:51am, Deputies encountered an intoxicated juvenile, whom was later known to have attended a party at the above location. Deputies went to the said address and Mr. Harvey fled from the Deputies. He was later apprehended and found that he and his mother, Angela Harvey, hosted the party where the juvenile became intoxicated. He and Angela were subsequently place under arrest and booked into ADC accordingly.
0207010180/Burglary to a Motor Vehicle
Deputy Assigned: F. Trujillo
Commander Assigned: Lt. K. Johnson
Location of Incident: 3256 Buckman Road, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Arrested/Suspect: None
On 12/31/2007 at about 9:00 AM victim discovered that her vehicle had been burlarized through the drivers side. Once inside suspects unlawfully took the vehicles CD Player.