0207-9038/ Larceny/ 11-15-07

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Deputy Assigned: Solomon Romero

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: 8380 Cerrillos Road / Coach

Suspect: White Male, 6'4", 250 Lbs, wearing blue pants and red sgirt

Charges: Pending

The suspect went into the store and took four purses valued at over $1500.00 from a rack in the store, Suspect then fled on foot and out of the area.

Burglary,Larceny,Unlawful Taking Of a Motor vehicle

Deputy Assigned: Fabian Trujillo

Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch

Location: 3400 Block of West Alameda Street

Suspect: Pending

Victim reported that sometime betwen 10:00am &1:00pm unknown suspects entered hte residence by kicking open the front door. once inside the suspects rummaged through the house and then took the victims 1992 honda Civic Bearing NM License plate FZB-663

Consealing Identity Suspended license Speeding

Deputy Assigned: Fabian Trujillo

Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch

Location: State Road 599 Milepost 10

Arrested: Pascal Capehart 32 Santa Fe

 On Wednesday November 14,2007 the suspect was stopped for speeding 83mph in a 55mph zone. suspect was found to have a suspended license and gave a false name because he thought he had a outstanding warrant for his arrest.


Deputy Assigned: John Lucero

Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch

Location: State Road 344 Edgewood

Suspects: Pending

Items Taken: Misc Tools

Victim reported that on Tuesday November 13,2007 between the hours of 6:30pn & 7:30pm unknown suspecte open the rear hatch to his camper shell and removed a green metal box that contained misc. tools valued at $300.00

0207008928 DWI 11/14/07

Description: Driving While Intoxicated

Commander entering: Lt. Jeremy Garcia Deputy Assigned: Deputy Bryan Markley

Date of Incident: 11/14/07  Arrested: Laurie Hall DOB:2/15/73 Charges: DWI, Lane of trafic and Open Container

Deputy came into contact with above arrested person after a traffic stop for a traffic offense.  while making contact Deputy observed several signs of impairment.  Driver submitted to a breath test that yielded a .09% breath alcohol concentration.  Driver was arrested.


Deputy Assigned:Marvyn Jaramillo

Commander Entering:Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident:Quail View Lane


On the above date the victim reported that someone forced entry to her residence by kicking open the eastside bedroom door. Once entry was gained several items of value were taken.


Deputy Assigned:Cpl. Richard Sisneros

Commander Entering:Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident:Quail View Lane


On the above date someone forced entry to the victim's residence by kicking the door open. The suspect went through all the drawers and cabinets in the residence but nothing appeared to be missing.


Deputy Assigned:Cpl. Richard Sisneros



Deputy Assigned:Cpl. Richard Sisneros

Commander Entering:Sgt. Ben Encinias



Deputy Assigned: Vanessa Hayes

Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch

Location: Santuario De Chimayo PArking Lot

Suspects: Pending

 Victim reported that on Tuesday November 13, 2007 between the hours of 9:00am & 10:30am unknown suspects entered the victims vehicle through a unlocked door. Once inside the suspects removed a IBM think Pad,palm pilot Misc credit cards and 2 passports all valued at 3,960.00